Page 91 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 91


                                                            WHEN INHALIING
                                                            The air which en ters the
                                                            birds’ re spir a to ry pas sages
                                                            goes to the lungs, and to
                                                            air sacs be hind them. The
                                                            air which is used is trans -
                                                            ferred to air sacs at the

                                                            WHEN EXHALING
                                                            When the bird ex hales,
                                                            clean air col lect ed in the
                                                            rear air sacs flows in to the
                                                            lung. Thanks to this sys -
                                                            tem, the flow of fresh air in -
                                                            to the avi an lung con tin ues
                                                            with out in ter rup tion.

      There are a great many oth er de tails in this re spir a to ry sys tem, which this di a gram de picts
      in very sim pli fied form. in. For in stance, at the points where the air sacs are con nect ed to
      the lungs, there are spe cial valves and plugs to en sure the air trav els in the right di rec tion.
      These all rep re sent a fa tal blow to the idea of ev o lu tion, as well as be ing ev i dent proofs of
      cre a tion. Allah has cre at ed birds to geth er with all their flaw less char ac ter is tics. Allah is the
      Almighty Creator.
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