Page 87 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 87
Origin of the Avian Lung 85
—See Ordered System
The lungs of ter res tri al
ORGEL, LESLIE an i mals have a two-way struc -
ture: During in ha la tion, air trav els
Probability cal cu la tions
down in to the lungs through in -
show that com plex mol e cu les such
creas ing ly nar row er chan nels, halt -
as pro teins and nu cle ic ac id (RNA
ing at ti ny air sacs, where the ex -
and DNA) can not pos si bly come in -
change of ox y gen and car bon di ox -
to be ing sep a rate ly and by chance.
ide takes place. Later, this CO2-lad -
Prominent ev o lu tion ists ad mit
en air moves in the op po site di rec -
this. For ex am ple, Stanley Miller and
tion, leav ing the lung by the same
Francis Crick's col league from San
path through which it en tered, and
Diego University, the well-known
is ex pelled through the main bron -
ev o lu tion ist Dr. Leslie Orgel, says:
chi al pas sage.
It is ex treme ly im prob a ble that pro -
In birds, on the oth er hand, the
teins and nu cle ic ac ids, both of which
air trav els in one way on ly along the
are struc tur al ly com plex, arose spon ta -
so-called pul mo nary ca nal. The
ne ous ly in the same place at the same
lungs' en try and ex it ca nals are dif -
time. Yet it al so seems im pos si ble to
fer ent from one an oth er, and air al -
have one with out the oth er. And so, at
first glance, one might have to con - ways trav els in the same di rec tion,
clude that life could nev er, in fact, have thanks to the spe cial air sacs ex tend -
orig i nat ed by chem i cal means. 82 ing along the pas sages. This means a
bird can ab sorb ox y gen in the air
non-stop, meet ing its high en er gy re -
ORIGIN OF THE AVIAN quire ments.
LUNG This unique re spir a to ry sys tem,
known as the avi an lung, is de scribed
Another fac tor that makes the
in these terms by Michael Denton, a
sce nar io of ev o lu tion from di no saur
mo lec u lar bi ol o gist from Otega
to bird im pos si ble is the unique
University in Australia:
struc ture of the avi an lung, which
In the case of birds, the ma jor bron chi
can not be ex plained in ev o lu tion a ry
break down in to ti ny tu bes which per -
me ate the lung tis sue. These so-called
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar