Page 84 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 84

82  Open System

               from the Sun; and that there fore, the  en er gy-con ver sion sys tem be it open
               Law of Entropy does not ap ply to   or closed, will of fer no ad van tage for
               the Earth, and that or dered, com plex  ev o lu tion. No one claims that any
               liv ing things can in deed emerge   such com plex and con scious mech a -
               from dis or dered, sim ple and in an i -  nism ex ist ed in the con di tions of the
               mate struc tures.                   pri me val Earth. At this point, ev o lu -
                  Yet there is a very clear dis tor tion  tion ists can not ac count for how com -
               of the facts here, be cause en er gy en -  plex  en er gy  con ver sion  sys tems,
               ter ing a sys tem from out side is not  such as pho to syn the sis, which even
               suf fi cient to make that sys tem in to  mod ern  tech nol o gy  can not  re pro -
               an or dered one. To make that en er gy  duce — emerged in the first place.
               ca pa ble of be ing used, spe cial mech -  Whatever  so lar  en er gy  reached
               a nisms are need ed. For ex am ple,  the pri me val Earth had no way of
               con trol mech a nisms, an en gine and  giv ing rise to or der. For one thing,
               trans mis sion sys tems are need ed to  the high er the tem per a ture ris es, the
               har ness the en er gy gen er at ed from  more ami no ac ids—the build ing
               the fu el in an in ter nal com bus tion  blocks of life—re sist form ing bonds
               en gine. In the ab sence of such trans -  in reg u lar se quen ces. Energy alone is
               for ma tion sys tems, it will be im pos -  not suf fi cient for ami no ac ids to
               si ble to use that fu el's en er gy.   form the far more com plex mol e cu -
                  The same ap plies to liv ing things,  les of pro teins, and for pro teins to
               which re ceive their en er gy from the  give rise to cell or gan elles, which are
               Sun. This so lar en er gy is turned in to  more com plex still. This man i fest or -
               chem i cal en er gy thanks to ex traor di -  der is on ly pos si ble through our om -
               na ri ly  com plex  en er gy-con ver sion  nis cient Lord's cre a tion.
               sys tems such as pho to syn the sis in  In fact, many ev o lu tion ists open ly
               plants and the di ges tive sys tems in  ad mit that the claim about open sys -
               an i mals and hu man be ings. In the  tems is in valid and that it con flicts
               ab sence of any of these con ver sion  with  ther mo dy nam ics.  Although
               sys tems, no or gan ism can sur vive.  Professor John Ross of Harvard
               For a liv ing thing with no en er gy-  University holds ev o lu tion ist views,
               con ver sion sys tem, the Sun will be  he writes in a pa per in Chemical and
               sim ply a source of de struc tive heat  Engineering News  that this claim is
               and UV ra di a tion.                un re al is tic and un sci en tif ic:
                  Therefore, any sys tem with out an  . . . there are no known vi o la tions of the

                                                               The Evolution Impasse II
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