Page 79 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 79

Neo-Darwinism Comedy, The  77

           An Imaginary Mechanism.)            record. In long years of ex ca va tions,
              At the same time, neo-Darwinists  no in ter me di ate forms—that should,
           al so sought to prove that the first liv -  ac cord ing to neo-Darwinist the o ry,
           ing or gan isms could have emerged  have  dem on strat ed  that  prim i tive
           by chance un der the con di tions of  spe cies grad u al ly evolved in to more
           the pri me val Earth—as re quired by  ad vanced ones—were found any -
           the the o ry. The same fi as cos were  where.  Comparative  an a tom i cal
           ex pe ri enced in that field, too. All the  stud ies showed that liv ing things
           ex per i ments in tend ed to prove that  once as sumed to have evolved from
           life emerged by chance end ed in fail -  one an oth er in fact pos sessed very
           ures.   Probability   cal cu la tions  dif fer ent  an a tom i cal  fea tures  and
           showed that not a sin gle pro tein, the  could nev er be one an oth er's fore -
           ba sic build ing blocks of the cell,  run ners or lat er de scend ants.
           could form by chance. As for the cell  Neo-Darwinism was not a sci en -
           it self, the small est liv ing unit, not a  tif ic the o ry, but rath er an ide o log i cal
           sin gle one could be formed even in  dog ma. For that rea son, ev o lu tion's
           lab o ra to ries  with  the  most  high ly  ad her ents still con tin ue to sup port
           ad vanced 20th cen tu ry tech nol o gy.  the the o ry in the face of all the ev i -
           Then how could a cell have come     dence against it. In their view, ev o lu -
           about as the re sult of chance in the  tion is a be lief that can nev er be
           prim i tive,  un con trolled  con di tions  aban doned.
           of the pri me val world, as ev o lu tion -
           ists claimed?
              Neo-Darwinist the o ry was al so
           dealt a fa tal blow by the fos sil
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