Page 75 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 75

Neanderthals: A Human Race  73

           have made great ef forts to por tray  skel e tal re mains with those of mod ern
           these peo ple as a "prim i tive" spe cies,  hu mans have shown that there is noth -
           al though all the facts show          ing in Neanderthal anat o my that con -
           Neanderthal Man to be no dif fer ent  clu sive ly in di cates lo co mo tor, ma nip u -
                                                 la tive, in tel lec tu al, or lin guis tic abil i -
           to a fair ly stocky hu man walk ing
                                                 ties in fe ri or to those of mod ern hu -
           around to day. The New Mexico
                                                 mans.  72
           University pa le o an thro pol o gist Erik
           Trinkaus, re gard ed as an em i nent  Therefore, many mod ern re -
           au thor i ty on the sub ject, writes:   search ers de scribe Neanderthal Man
                                               as a sub-group of mod ern man and
              Detailed com par i sons of Neanderthal

           Although the fos sil find ings show that Neanderthal
           Man was a hu man, with noth ing prim i tive about him
           com pared to our selves, ev o lu tion ists still por tray
           Neanderthals as ape-men. This is just one of the many
           in di ca tions that Darwinism is based not on sci en tif ic
           find ings, but on prej u dice and prop a gan da.

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