Page 76 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 76
74 "Nebraska Man" Fraud, The
re fer to him as Homo sa pi ens ne an der - near Snake Valley in Nebraska, he
tal en sis. Recent dis cov er ies show that had found a mo lar tooth that bore
the Neanderthals bur ied their dead, com mon hu man and ape fea tures,
made var i ous mu si cal in stru ments dat ing back to the Pliocene Period.
and shared a cul ture as de vel oped as Before long, a pro found sci en tif ic de -
that of mod ern man, Homo sa pi ens sa - bate on the sub ject had be gun. Some
pi ens. peo ple re gard ed this tooth as be -
long ing to Pithecanthropus erec tus,
while oth ers said it was clos er to be -
"NEBRASKA MAN" FRAUD, ing ful ly hu man. This fos sil was giv -
THE en the pop u lar name of Nebraska
In 1922, Henry Fairfield Osborn, Man and the sci en tif ic name of:
di rect or of the American Museum of Hesperopithecus har old cook ii.
Natural History, an nounced that Based on this sin gle tooth,
The Neanderthals:
A Human Race
To the above can be seen
the Homo sa pi ens ne an -
der thal en sis Amud 1
skull, dis cov ered in
Israel. It is es ti mat ed that
the own er of this skull
would have stood 1.80
me ters (5 feet, 11 inch es)
tall. Its brain vol ume is
the larg est so far en coun -
tered for Neanderthals, at
1,740 cu bic cen ti me ters.
The Evolution Impasse II