Page 77 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 77
"Nebraska Man" Fraud, The 75
The re con struc tion above, pro duced on the ba sis of a sin gle tooth, was pub lished in
the 24 June 1922 edi tion of the Illustrated London News. Shortly aft er wards, how e -
ver, it was re al ized that the tooth ac tu al ly be longed to an ex tinct spe cies of wild
boar, and not to an ape-like crea ture or hu man be ing at all. This in flict ed a ma jor dis -
ap point ment on ev o lu tion ists.
Nebraska Man's skull and body a sin gle tooth, he at tract ed the most
were re con struct ed in art ists' con - ter ri ble fu ry.
cep tions. Pictures were even pub - However, oth er parts of the skel -
lished of Nebraska Man in his nat u - e ton were dis cov ered in 1927. In the
ral hab i tat, to geth er with his wife light of these re mains, this tooth was
and chil dren. This whole sce nar io found to be long nei ther to an ape
was spun out from a sin gle tooth. nor to a hu man be ing, but to an ex -
Evolutionists so be lieved in this ho- tinct spe cies of American wild boar
m i nid made from whole cloth that known as pros then nops. Science
when a re search er by the name of mag a zine cov ered the sto ry un der
William Bryan cast doubt up on all the ti tle "Hesperopithecus Apparently
these firm ly held opin ions based on Not an Ape Nor a Man." 73
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar