Page 74 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 74
72 Neanderthals: A Human Race
tion rep re sent ed the foun da tion of years ago, and dis ap peared, or else
Darwin's the o ry. were as sim i lat ed by mix ing with
Stephen Jay Gould, one of the oth er hu man ra ces, si lent ly and just
best-known con tem po ra ry ev o lu - as quick ly about 35,000 years ago.
tion ists, says this about Darwinism's The on ly dif fer ence be tween them
grave er ror: and present-day hu mans is that their
The es sence of Darwinism lies in a sin - skel e tons are rath er stur di er and
gle phrase: nat u ral se lec tion is the cre - their brain vol umes slight ly larg er.
a tive force of ev o lu tion a ry change. No Neanderthals were a well-built hu -
one de nies that se lec tion will play a man race, as is now agreed by just
neg a tive role in elim i nat ing the un fit. about ev ery one.
Darwinian the o ries re quire that it cre - Evolutionists, on the oth er hand,
ate the fit as well. 70
In an ar ti cle pub lished in
American Scientist mag a zine, the ev -
o lu tion ist C. Loring Brace de scribes
how Darwinism has been re fut ed by
sci en tif ic dis cov er ies and states that
we can not re gard nat u ral se lec tion
as an ev o lu tion a ry mech a nism:
Readers of American Scientist may
not re al ize the ex tent to which a ma jor
part of the field of bi ol o gy and al most
all of pa le on tol o gy has re ject ed
Darwin's in sights con cern ing or gan ic
ev o lu tion. Natural se lec tion is dis -
missed as con trib ut ing noth ing more
than "fine-tun ing," and ad ap ta tion is
large ly ig nored in prac tice. 71
The Neanderthals emerged sud -
den ly in Europe around 300,000
A fos sil be long ing to a Neanderthal