Page 73 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 73

Natural Selection  71

           this pred a tor pres sure lasts, the deer  can not evolve by way of nat u ral se -
           will nev er turn in to any oth er spe -  lec tion.
           cies. Weak deer are elim i nat ed and  Darwin ad mit ted as much when
           the fit test sur vive; but no "ev o lu tion"  he wrote, "Natural se lec tion can do
           of spe cies takes place, be cause there  noth ing un til fa vour a ble in di vid u al
           is no change in the deer's ge net ic in -  dif fer en ces or var i a tions oc cur."  69
           for ma tion.  No  mat ter  how  much  Natural se lec tion was a nat u ral
           herds of deer are sub ject ed to nat u -  phe nom e non  known  to  bi ol o gists
           ral se lec tion, they will still re main  be fore Darwin, but de scribed as a
           deer.                               mech a nism that en a bles spe cies to
              This ex am ple ap plies to all oth er  re main  sta ble  with out  be ing  im -
           spe cies. Deformed or weak in di vid -  paired. It was Darwin who first
           u als in a pop u la tion, or those un fit -  claimed that this proc ess was an ev -
           ted to en vi ron men tal con di tions are  o lu tion a ry force and thus con struct -
           elim i nat ed by way of nat u ral se lec -  ed his whole the o ry on that ba sis.
           tion. But no new spe cies, ge net ic in -  The name he gave his book—The
           for ma tion or or gans will emerge as a  Origin of Species, By Way of Natural
           re sult. In oth er words, liv ing things  Selection—shows that nat u ral se lec -

                             No mat ter how much deers are sub -
                             ject ed to nat u ral se lec tion, they will
                               al ways give birth to more deer.
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