Page 72 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 72

70  Naturalism

               NATURALISM                          der lay it. It there fore re ceived sup -
                                                   port and was im posed on so ci e ty as
                  In gen er al terms, nat u ral ism is a
                                                   if it were a ma jor sci en tif ic truth.
               phi los o phy that rec og niz es no oth er
                                                   Otherwise, it would have been re -
               re al i ty aside from na ture and the
                                                   gard ed as the spec u la tion of an am a -
               world per ceived by the five sens es.
                                                   teur bi ol o gist and quick ly for got ten.
               Naturalism, one of the most sig nif i -
               cant pro ducts of the 19th cen tu ry
               athe is tic  at mos phere,  in flu enced
                                                   NATURAL SELECTION
               Darwin and drove him to of fer an
               athe is tic   ex pla na tion   for   life.  Natural se lec tion is based on the
               According to this way of think ing,  hy poth e sis that there is a con stant
               na ture it self was re gard ed as its own  strug gle for sur viv al among spe cies
               cre a tor and ar bi ter. Concepts such as  and those liv ing things that are
               Mother Nature or cli chés such as   strong est and best adapt ed to nat u -
               "Nature gave some peo ple su pe ri or  ral con di tions sur vive that strug gle
               abil i ties; na ture made hu mans what  and live to prop a gate them selves.
               they are," are still wide ly em ployed  For ex am ple, in a herd of deer, those
               to day, but are the re sult of pre con -  an i mals that are nat u ral ly able to run
               cep tions im posed by nat u ral ism.  fast will es cape pred a tors and sur -
                  Naturalists were great ad mir ers  vive. Naturally, this herd will soon
               of the per fec tion in the phys i cal  con sist of deer that are all able to run
               world, yet found it dif fi cult to give a  quick ly.
               sat is fac to ry an swer to how this came  But note that no mat ter how long
               in to be ing. Since they adopt ed pos i -
               tiv ist dog ma, and be lieved on ly in
               con cepts whose ex is tence could be
               es tab lished by means of ex per i ment
               and ob ser va tion, they fierce ly re ject -
               ed the fact that na ture was cre at ed
               by Allah. In their view, na ture cre at -
               ed it self.
                  Darwin's the o ry served nat u ral -
               ist/ma te ri al ist phi los o phy, or to be
               more ac cu rate, the athe ism that un -
                                                    Fossilized deer

                                                               The Evolution Impasse II
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