Page 67 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 67

Mutation: An Imaginary Mechanism  65

                                                     These pho to graphs show some of the
                                                     dam ag ing ef fects of mu ta tion on the
                                                     hu man body.
                                                     A proc ess that crip ples in di vid u als or
                                                     leaves them ill can not, of course, give
                                                     rise to any progress.

              ple, if an earth quake were to shake a  from  mu ta tions,  prac ti cal ly  all  of
              high ly or dered struc ture such as a  which are harm ful?  65
              build ing, there would be a ran dom
                                                 All the mu ta tions ob served in hu -
              change in the frame work of the build -
                                               man be ings are harm ful. Medical
              ing, which, in all prob a bil i ty, would
                                               text books de scribe phys i cal or men -
              not be an im prove ment.  64
                                               tal de fects such as mon gol ism,
              No ex am ples of ben e fi cial mu ta -
                                               Down Syndrome, al bi nism, dwarf -
           tions have ev er been ob served. The
                                               ism and sic kle cell ane mia, or dis eas -
           ev o lu tion ist   sci en tist   Warren
                                               es such as can cer as ex am ples of mu -
           Weaver said the fol low ing about a
                                               ta tion. A proc ess that crip ples or
           re port pre pared by the Committee
                                               sick ens can not, of course, be any ev -
           on Genetic Effects of Atomic
                                               o lu tion a ry mech a nism.
           Radiation, set up to ex am ine the mu -
                                                 In  a  sci en tif ic  pa per,  David
           ta tions aris ing as a re sult of nu cle ar
                                               Demick, an American pa thol o gist,
           weap ons in the wake of the Second
                                               wrote this to say about mu ta tions:
           World War:
                                                 Literally thou sands of hu man dis eas es
              Many will be puz zled about the state -  as so ci at ed with ge net ic mu ta tions have
              ment that prac ti cal ly all known mu -  been cat a logued in re cent years, with
              tant genes are harm ful. For mu ta tions  more be ing de scribed con tin u al ly. A
              are a nec es sa ry part of the proc ess of  re cent ref er ence book of med i cal ge net -
              ev o lu tion. How can a good ef fect — ev -  ics list ed some 4,500 dif fer ent ge net ic
              o lu tion to high er forms of life — re sult  dis eas es.  Some  of  the  in her it ed  syn -

           Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar
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