Page 65 - The Evolution Impasse 2
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Mutant   63

           stone, soil, trees, and plants. It is im -  DNA.  When  high-en er gy  par ti cles
           pos si ble for these nat u ral el e ments  strike DNA bas es, they al ter their
           to per form con scious, in tel li gent ac -  struc ture, and usu al ly cause chan ges
           tions or to pro gram liv ing things, be -  of such di men sions that the cell can -
           cause ev ery thing we see in na ture  not re pair them. (See Mutation: An
           has been cre at ed and there fore, can -  Imaginary Mechanism.)
           not be their cre a tor.
              Since liv ing things do not cre ate  MUTANT
           the su pe ri or char ac ter is tics they pos -  Mutant is the name giv en to any
           sess through their own in tel li gence.  liv ing thing, cell or gene that has un -
           Since they are born with these at trib -  der gone  ob vi ous  chan ges  in  its
           utes, then there must be a cre a tor  DNA. Mutations are breaks and
           who en dows them with these fea -   shifts that oc cur as a re sult of phys i -
           tures and who im pels them to dis -  cal (for ex am ple, ra di a tion) or chem -
           play such be hav ior. Almighty Allah  i cal ef fects in the DNA mol e cule,
           is our Creator.                     found in the cell nu cle us that car ries
                                               ge net ic da ta. Mutations dam age the
                                               nu cle ot i des that make up DNA. The
                                               com po nents mak ing up ge net ic in -
              Breaks and shifts in the ge net ic  for ma tion are ei ther de tached from
           da ta in liv ing things are de scribed as  their lo ca tions, dam aged or else
           mu ta tion. These af fect and dam age  trans port ed to dif fer ent sites in the
           the DNA in the cell nu cle us. Every  DNA. They cause dam age and oth er
           cause giv ing rise to mu ta tion—gen -
           er al ly, some form of chem i cal ef fects
           or par ti cle emis sions—is known as a
           mu tag en ic fac tor.
              Substances such as mus tard gas
           and ni tric ac id may be giv en as ex -
           am ples of chem i cal mu tag en ic fac -
           tors. X-rays or the ra di a tion leak ing
           from a nu cle ar pow er sta tion are ex -
           am ples of ra di o ac tive mu tag en ic ef -
           fects. Particles emit ted from a ra di o -
           ac tive el e ment can cause dam age to
                                                A phys i cal ly de fective mu tant lamb.
           Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar
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