Page 64 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 64

62  Mosaic Creatures

                                   Research and      Such prom i nent ev o lu tion ist pa -
                                   a well-known    le on tol o gists  as  Stephen  J.  Gould
                                   ge ol o gist.  At  and Niles Eldredge ad mit that mo sa -
                                   the sec ond in -  ic crea tures can not be re gard ed as
                                   ter na tion al  in ter me di ate forms.  62
                                   con fer ence      With its ex ceed ing ly spe cial ized
                                   held by the     struc tures, the plat y pus al so re futes
                                   Science         this claim. (See Platypus, The.)
                   John Morris
               Foundation on 5 July 1998, ti tled
               "The Collapse of the Theory of      MOTHER NATURE; AN
               Evolution: The Fact of Creation," he  IRRATIONAL CONCEPT
               de scribed the ide o log i cal and phil o -  The  in tel lec tu al  move ment  that
               soph i cal  con di tions  be hind  ev o lu -  in flu enced  Darwin—and  en cour -
               tion, the way this the o ry be came a  aged him to look for an ex pla na tion
               dog ma, and how its pro po nents be -  for the liv ing things he en coun tered
               lieve in Darwinism as if it were a re -  oth er than one based on cre a tion—
               li gion.   61                       was nat u ral ism, one of the main phil -
                                                   os o phies of the 19th cen tu ry's athe is -
               MOSAIC CREATURES
                                                   tic cli mate. Naturalism was a move -
                  Using one-sid ed in ter pre ta tions,  ment that recog nized no oth er re al i ty
               ev o lu tion ists some times present liv -  than na ture and the world per ceived
               ing things as ac tu al ly con sti tut ing in -  by the five sens es. According to this
               ter me di ate forms. However, the fact  per vert ed view, na ture was its own
               that a spe cies has fea tures be long ing  cre a tor and rul er. Concepts such as
               to an oth er liv ing group does not  Mother Nature or clichéd ex pres sions
               make it an in ter me di ate form.   such as "Nature gave hu mans this
                  For ex am ple, the Australian    abil i ty," or "Nature cre at ed this crea -
               duck-billed plat y pus is a mam mal,  ture in this way" re sult from pre con -
               but lays eggs, just like rep tiles. In ad -  cep tions placed in the mind of so ci e -
               di tion, it has a beak just like a bird.  ty by nat u ral ism.
               However, its fur, milk glands and in -  Evolutionists say that Mother
               ner ear struc ture de fine it as a mam -  Nature gave liv ing things the fea -
               mal. Scientists there fore re fer to the  tures they pos sess. But na ture con -
               plat y pus as a mo sa ic crea ture.   sists of such fa mil iar com po nents as

                                                               The Evolution Impasse II
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