Page 59 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 59

Nonsensical Nature of the Molecular Homology Thesis, The  57

              caus al ex pla na tion for the or i gin of bi -  things did not evolve from one an -
              o log i cal in for ma tion, few se ri ous re -  oth er, but were cre at ed in de pend -
              search ers still do. Since mo lec u lar bi ol -  ent ly. A great many oth er sci en tif ic
              o gists be gan to ap pre ci ate the se quence  facts be sides the fos sil record, the
              spec i fic i ty of pro teins and nu cle ic ac ids
                                               com plex struc tures and sys tems in
              in the 1950s and '60s, many cal cu la -
                                               liv ing things, and the lack of any ev -
              tions have been made to de ter mine the
                                               o lu tion a ry mech a nism have in any
              prob a bil i ty of for mu lat ing func tion al
                                               case long since de mol ished the the o -
              pro teins and nu cle ic ac ids at ran dom.
                                               ry of ev o lu tion's claims.
              Even  as sum ing  ex treme ly  fa vor a ble
              pre bi ot ic con di tions (wheth er re al is tic
              or not) and the o ret i cal ly max i mal re ac -
                                               NONSENSICAL NATURE OF
              tion rates, such cal cu la tions have in va -
                                               THE MOLECULAR
              ri a bly shown that the prob a bil i ty of ob -
                                               HOMOLOGY THESIS, THE
              tain ing  func tion al ly  se quenced  bi o -
              mac ro mol e cu les  at  ran dom  is,  in  Evolutionists point to dif fer ent
              Prigogine's words, "van ish ing ly small  liv ing  things  hav ing  sim i lar  DNA
              . . . even on the scale of . . . bil lions of
                                               codes or pro tein struc tures and in -
              years.  53
                                               ter pret this as ev i dence that these
              Thus  the  the o ry  of  ev o lu tion,  spe cies evolved from some com mon
           which seeks to ac count for the or i gin  an ces tor. For in stance, ev o lu tion ist
           of life in terms of chance, col laps es at  sour ces of ten say that there is a great
           the very out set. Science clear ly re -  sim i lar i ty be tween the DNA of hu -
           veals that since chance can not rep re -  mans and apes, which they of fer as
           sent the or i gin of life, life must have  ev i dence of an ev o lu tion a ry link be -
           been flaw less ly cre at ed. Not on ly the  tween the two. (See The Ape-Human
           first life form, but all the dif fer ent  Genetic Similarity Lie.)
           life forms on Earth have been cre at -  First off, it's on ly to be ex pect ed
           ed sep a rate ly. Indeed, the fos sil  that liv ing things on Earth should
           record con firms this, show ing that  have DNA struc tures sim i lar to one
           all the life forms on Earth emerged  an oth er. Their ba sic vi tal func tions
           sud den ly and with their own par tic -  are the same, and since they all—hu -
           u lar  char ac ter is tics,  and  that  they  mans in clud ed—have phys i cal bod -
           nev er un der went ev o lu tion.    ies, one can not ex pect hu man be ings
              Comparisons car ried out at the  to have a DNA struc ture to tal ly dif -
           mo lec u lar  lev el  show  that  liv ing  fer ent from oth er liv ing things. Like

           Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar
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