Page 60 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 60

58  Nonsensical Nature of the Molecular Homology Thesis, The

                                                   spe cies and class es are com pared, it
                                                   clear ly emer ges that any sim i lar i ties
                                                   or dif fer en ces are in com pat i ble with
                                                   any  ev o lu tion a ry  log ic  or  link.
                                                   According to the ev o lu tion ist the sis,
                                                   there must be a grad u al in crease in
                                                   spe cies' com plex i ty, and so is al so to
                                                   be ex pect ed that the num ber of chro -
                                                   mo somes  es tab lish ing  this  ge net ic
                                                   in for ma tion will grad u al ly in crease.
                                                   However, the da ta ac tu al ly ob tained
                                                   show that this is a mere fan ta sy.
               Comparisons based on chro mo some
               num bers and DNA struc tures show that  For ex am ple, al though a to ma to
               no ev o lu tion a ry re la tion ship can be es -  has 24 chro mo somes, the co pe pod
               tab lished be tween dif fer ent spe cies..
                                                   crab—an or gan ism with far more
                                                   com plex sys tems—has on ly six. The
               oth er or gan isms, our bod ies de vel op
                                                   sin gle-celled crea ture Euglena has 45
               by con sum ing pro teins, blood flows
                                                   chro mo somes, com pared to the al li -
               through their bod ies, and we pro -
                                                   ga tor, which has on ly 32. In ad di -
               duce en er gy at ev ery mo ment by us -
                                                   tion, Radiolaria, mi cro scop ic or gan -
               ing of ox y gen.
                                                   isms, have more than 800 chro mo -
                  Therefore, the fact that liv ing
               things are ge net i cal ly sim i lar can not
                                                     Theodosius Dobzhansky, a fa -
               be used to ar gue that they evolved
                                                   mous ev o lu tion a ry the o re ti cian, says
               from a com mon an ces tor. If ev o lu -
                                                   that  this  un reg u lat ed  re la tion ship
               tion ists wish to ver i fy the the o ry of
                                                   be tween liv ing things and their
               ev o lu tion from a com mon an ces tor,
                                                   DNAs is a ma jor prob lem that ev o lu -
               they have to dem on strate a line of
                                                   tion can not ex plain:
               de scent on the mo lec u lar lev el. Yet
                                                     More  com plex  or gan isms  gen er al ly
               ev o lu tion ists have no such con crete
                                                     have more DNA per cell than do sim -
               find ing.
                                                     pler ones, but this rule has con spic u -
                  In fact, when the da ta ob tained as
                                                     ous ex cep tions. Man is no where near
               a re sult of the anal y sis of DNA and
                                                     the top of the list, be ing ex ceed ed by
               chro mo somes be long ing to var i ous
                                                     Amphiuma      (an   am phib i an),

                                                               The Evolution Impasse II
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