Page 62 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 62

60  Nonsensical Nature of the Molecular Homology Thesis, The

               tile class, is sig nif i cant ly great er than  mit that he hasn't been able to ob tain
               that be tween rep re sent a tives of very  any  ev i dence  for  ev o lu tion  at  any
               dif fer ent class es. The above dif fer -  point. In one ar ti cle in Science mag a -
               ence, for ex am ple, is great er than the  zine, he writes:
               dif fer ence of 17 ami no ac ids be tween  Molecular ev o lu tion is about to be ac -
               chick ens and eels, the dif fer ence of  cept ed as a meth od su pe ri or to pa le on -
               16 ami no ac ids be tween hors es and  tol o gy for the dis cov ery of ev o lu tion a ry
               sharks, or even the dif fer ence of 15  re la tion ships. As a mo lec u lar ev o lu -
               ami no ac id be tween dogs and worm   tion ist, I should be elat ed. Instead, it
               flies, which are mem bers of two to -  seems dis con cert ing that many ex cep -
                                                     tions ex ist to the or der ly pro gres sion of
               tal ly dif fer ent phy la.
                                                     spe cies as de ter mined by mo lec u lar ho -
                  A sim i lar state of af fairs al so ap -
                                                     mol o gies: so many in fact, that I think
               plies to he mo glo bin. The se quence of
                                                     the ex cep tion, the quirks, may car ry
               this pro tein in hu man be ings dif fers
                                                     the more im por tant mes sage.  56
               from that in le murs by 20 ami no ac -
                                                     Schwabe's re search in to re lax in
               ids and from that in pigs by on ly 14.
                                                   pro duced most in ter est ing re sults:
               The po si tion is more or less the same
               for oth er pro teins.  55             Against this back ground of high var i a -
                                                     bil i ty be tween re lax ins from pur port -
                  Evolutionists should there fore
                                                     ed ly close ly re lat ed spe cies, the re lax -
               con clude that in ev o lu tion a ry terms,
                                                     ins of pig and whale are all but iden ti -
               a hu man be ing is clos er to the kan ga -
                                                     cal. The mol e cu les de rived from rats,
               roo than the horse or to the pig than
                                                     guin ea-pigs, man and pigs are as dis -
               the le mur.
                                                     tant from each oth er (ap prox i mate ly
                  Dr. Christian Schwabe is a pro -
                                                     55%) . . . Insulin, how e ver, brings
               fes sor at de part ment of bi o chem is try
                                                     man and pig phy lo ge net i cal ly clos er
               at Medical University of South        to geth er than chim pan zee and man.  57
               Carolina and a sci en tist who has de -
                                                     Schwabe states that his com par i -
               vot ed many years to seek ing ev i -
                                                   son of ly soz ymes, cy to chromes and
               dence of ev o lu tion in the mo lec u lar
                                                   many hor mones and ami no ac id
               sphere. In par tic u lar, he has car ried
                                                   strings re vealed un ex pect ed re sults
               out stud ies on the pro teins in su lin
                                                   and ab nor mal i ties from the ev o lu -
               and re lax in in an at tempt to con -
                                                   tion a ry point of view. Based on all
               struct ev o lu tion a ry re la tion ships be -
                                                   this ev i dence, Schwabe main tains
               tween liv ing things. Several times,
                                                   that all pro teins pos sess their same,
               how e ver, he has been forced to ad -
                                                               The Evolution Impasse II
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