Page 61 - The Evolution Impasse 2
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Nonsensical Nature of the Molecular Homology Thesis, The  59

              Protopterus (a lung fish), and even or -  chro mo somes.
              di nary frogs and toads. Why this  Other com par i sons at the mo lec -
              should be so has long been a puz zle.  54  u lar lev el al so of fer ex am ples that
              Again ac cord ing to the ev o lu tion -  make  ev o lu tion ist  in ter pre ta tions
           ist ho mol o gy the sis, the num ber of  quite mean ing less. The more pro tein
           chro mo somes should be ex pect ed to  strings are an a lyzed in lab o ra to ries,
           in crease as liv ing things grow—and  the more un ex pect ed and even as -
           to de crease as the or gan ism be comes  ton ish ing re sults emerge. For in -
           small er. The fact is, how e ver, that  stance, while the hu man cy to -
           liv ing things of very dif fer ent siz es  chrome-C pro tein dif fers from that
           and with very dif fer ent struc tures,  of a horse by 14 ami no ac ids, it dif -
           be tween which no ev o lu tion a ry re la -  fers from that of a kan ga roo by on ly
           tion ship can pos si bly be claimed,  eight. Analysis of cy to chrome-C has
           hav ing the same num ber of chro mo -  shown that tor tois es are much clos er
           somes to tal ly un der mines the su per -  to hu man be ings than they are to rat -
           fi cial ev o lu tion ist log ic built on chro -  tle snakes, even though both are
           mo some sim i lar i ties be tween or gan -  mem bers of the rep tile fam i ly.
           isms.                                 Interpreted from the ev o lu tion ist
              To give some ex am ples: both oak  per spec tive,  this  pro du ces  ut ter ly
           trees and Macaques mon keys have    mean ing less re sults that not even ev -
           42 chro mo somes. The deer mouse    o lu tion ists can ac cept, such as tor -
           has 48 chro mo somes, the same num -  tois es be ing more close ly re lat ed to
           ber as the go ril la, which is many  hu man be ings than to snakes.
           times larg er. Another in ter est ing ex -  The dif fer ence of 21 ami no ac ids
           am ple is that of the gyp sy moth and  be tween tor tois es and rat tle snakes,
           the don key, both of which have 62  which are both mem bers of the rep -

                                                               According to find ings
                                                               from mo lec u lar bi ol o -
                                                               gy, each liv ing class is
                                                               unique at the mo lec u -
                                                               lar lev el, dif fer ent from
                                                               and in de pend ent of all
                                                               oth ers. No or gan ism is
                                                               the an ces tor of any
                                                               oth er.

           Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar
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