Page 58 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 58

56  Molecular Evolution Impasse, The

               MOLECULAR EVOLUTION                   Although there is no con sen sus
               IMPASSE, THE                        among ev o lu tion ists at this point, ac -
                                                   cord ing to what most of them main -
                  According to the the o ry of ev o lu -
                                                   tain, nu cle ic ac ids that al so came in -
               tion, gas mol e cu les such as wa ter va -
                                                   to be ing out side, by chance, set tled
               por, hy dro gen, meth ane and am mo -
                                                   in side these bod ies, known as coa cer -
               nia that rep re sent ed the at mos phere
                                                   vates. And when the coa cer vates' or -
               on the pri mor di al world were com -
                                                   gan i za tion al  lev el  had  ris en  suf fi -
               bined out by ul tra vi o let rays from
                                                   cient ly, they turned in to the first liv -
               the Sun, elec tric i ty from light ning,
                                                   ing cells.
               ra di a tion from ra di o ac tive rocks and
                                                     In the above sce nar io, ev o lu tion -
               ther mal  en er gy  from  vol ca noes.
                                                   ists ad mit of no con scious in ter ven -
               According to this non sci en tif ic sce -
                                                   tion in the for ma tion of life from in -
               nar io, the at oms that then emerged
                                                   an i mate sub stan ces, and claim that
               in new se quen ces com bined to geth er
                                                   ev ery thing hap pened as the re sult of
               and pro duced the build ing blocks
                                                   blind co in ci den ces. They point to the
               that would form the first cell.
                                                   Miller ex per i ment as the first step in
                  These com pounds were lat er
                                                   the chance emer gence of life from in -
               trans port ed to lakes and seas by
                                                   or gan ic ma te ri als. Today, how e ver,
               rain. Organic com pounds thus com -
                                                   it is recog nized that the Miller ex per -
               bined to geth er and the wa ters of the
                                                   i ment's as sump tions re gard ing the
               Earth grad u al ly grew rich er in terms
                                                   chem i cal make-up of the ear ly at -
               of these sub stan ces. The ami no ac ids
                                                   mos phere were in cor rect, and Miller
               and oth er or gan ic sub stan ces in this
                                                   him self ad mit ted as much. Despite
               mix ture then com bined to pro duce
                                                   all ev o lu tion ist ef forts, it is clear that
               pro teins,  car bo hy drate  chains  and
                                                   the the o ry of ev o lu tion has no sci en -
               oth er in creas ing ly com plex or gan ic
                                                   tif ic sup port, nei ther on the mo lec u -
               sub stan ces. Because of their tend en -
                                                   lar lev el nor in any oth er ar ea.
               cy to grow, the first large bod ies that
                                                     Dr. Stephen C. Meyer, from
               de vel oped tried to ab sorb new mol e -
                                                   Cambridge University, says that no
               cu les from around them. Thus bod -
                                                   cred i bil i ty can be at tached to any ex -
               ies with more com plex struc tures
                                                   pla na tions of the or i gin of life that
               and  or gan i za tion,  and  ca pa ble  of
                                                   are based on chance:
               grow ing and mul ti ply ing, grad u al ly
               emerged.                              While many out side or i gin-of-life bi ol -
                                                     o gy may still in voke "chance" as a
                                                               The Evolution Impasse II
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