Page 57 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 57
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that emerged was giv en the name of to the in di vid u al in ques tion and
the Modern Synthetic Theory of can not be trans mit ted to off spring.
Evolution. Darwin had claimed that liv ing
This new the o ry soon be came things could turn in to oth er liv ing
known as neo-Darwinism and its things un der the ef fect of en vi ron -
pro po nents as neo-Darwinists. (See men tal con di tions, but Mendel
Neo-Darwinism Comedy, The.) proved ex per i men tal ly that en vi ron -
men tal in flu en ces could not change
liv ing spe cies and showed that he -
MODIFICATIONS red i ty took place on ly with in spe cif -
Modifications are dif fer en ces in ic bounds. Darwin's ideas re mained
liv ing things that are not in her it ed, a the o ry based on spec u la tion, rath er
but oc cur with in lim it ed bounds un - than on ex per i men tal ev i dence. But
der the in flu ence of ex ter nal fac tors. Mendel's laws of he red i ty which is
Reproduction be tween mem bers of the re sult of a long and pa tient study
the same an i mal or plant spe cies will and based on ex per i ment and ob ser -
not give rise to oth er iden ti cal in di - va tion, went down in the his to ry of
vid u als. The dif fer en ces be tween sci ence. Although they were rough ly
them that are not he red i ta ry are con tem po ra ries, Mendel's ge net ic
known as mod i fi ca tions—dif fer en ces stud ies were ac cept ed by the sci en -
that all bi o log i cal en ti ties ex hib it due tif ic world on ly 35 years aft er
to ex ter nal fac tors, but which still re - Darwin. That was be cause the sci -
main with in spe cif ic bound a ries. ence of ge net ics, for which Mendel
Though iden ti cal twins have ex - laid the ground work, to tal ly un der -
act ly the same he red i ta ry ma te ri al, mined the assumptions of
they nev er re sem ble one an oth er Darwinism, but for a long time ev o -
com plete ly, be cause it is im pos si ble lu tion ists re fused to ad mit this.
for en vi ron men tal con di tions to af - However, sci en tif ic progress,
fect them both to ex act ly the same obliged them to ac cept Mendel's
de gree. The ex ter nal fac tors lead ing find ings, and they came to see mak -
to mod i fi ca tion in liv ing things in - ing mi nor mod i fi ca tions to their the -
clude food, tem per a ture, mois ture o ries as the on ly way of over com ing
and me chan i cal ef fects. But since this. (See The Neo-Darwinism
any im pact ex ists in the body on ly Comedy.)
and not the DNA, it re mains lim it ed
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar