Page 52 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 52

50  Miller Experiment, The

                  In ad di tion, at the end of the ex -  might have al tered the course of the
               per i ment, a high lev el of right-hand -  re ac tions was in clud ed in the ex per -
               ed ami no ac ids al so emerged. (See  i men tal  ap pa ra tus.  Oxygen  that
               Right-Handed Amino Acids.) The      would hin der the for ma tion of ami -
               pres ence of these ami no ac ids to tal ly  no ac ids is just one of these el e ments.
               un der mined the prem ise of ev o lu -  Therefore, in the ab sence of the cold
               tion by means of its own log ic.    trap mech a nism, even un der those
               Right-hand ed ami no ac ids are not  ide al lab o ra to ry con di tions, ami no
               used in liv ing struc tures. Finally, the  ac ids could not have sur vived with -
               en vi ron ment in which ami no ac ids  out be ing bro ken down.
               emerged in the ex per i ment was not  With the Miller ex per i ment, ev o -
               suit ed to life; but on the con tra ry,  lu tion ists ac tu al ly in val i dat ed ev o lu -
               was a mix ture that would have bro -  tion by their own ef forts. Because the
               ken down and ox i dized use ful mol e -  ex per i ment dem on strat ed that ami -
               cu les.                             no ac ids could be ob tained on ly in
                  All this points to the con crete fact  spe cial ly ar ranged lab o ra to ry con di -
               that Miller's ex per i ment —a con -  tions and with con scious in ter ven -
               scious, con trolled lab o ra to ry study  tion. In oth er words, the force giv ing
               aimed at syn the siz ing ami no ac ids—  rise to life is cre a tion, not ran dom co -
               does not prove that life could have  in ci den ces.
               emerged by chance un der pri mor di -  The  rea son  why  ev o lu tion ists
               al world con di tions. The types and  refuse to ac cept this stems from their
               lev els of the gas ses he used were de -  pre con cep tions. Harold Urey, who
               ter mined at the ide al lev els for ami -  or ga nized the ex per i ment to geth er
               no ac ids to be able to form. The lev el  with his stu dent Stanley Miller,
               of  en er gy  sup plied  was  care ful ly  made this ad mis sion:
               reg u lat ed, nei ther too much nor too  All of us who study the or i gin of life
               lit tle, to en sure that the de sired re ac -  find that the more we look in to it, the
               tions would take place.               more we feel it is too com plex to have
                  The ex per i men tal ap pa ra tus iso -  evolved any where. We all be lieve as an
               lat ed so as not to har bor any el e ment  ar ti cle of faith that life evolved from
               that might be harm ful, or pre vent   dead mat ter on this plan et. It is just
                                                     that its com plex i ty is so great, it is
               the emer gence of ami no ac ids. No el -
                                                     hard for us to im ag ine that it did.   48
               e ment,  min er al  or  com pound  pre-
               sent in the pri me val world that     This ex per i ment is the sole proof

                                                               The Evolution Impasse II
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