Page 47 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 47
Micro-Evolution Myth, The 45
ev o lu tion. By ac cu mu lat ing over a claims al so re vealed that the var i a -
long pe ri od of time, they main tain tions he thought ac count ed for the
that small chan ges can give rise to or i gin of new spe cies ac tu al ly bore
ma cro-ev o lu tion, in oth er words the no such mean ing.
emer gence of an en tire ly new spe - For that rea son, ev o lu tion ist bi ol -
cies. (See The Macro-Evolution o gists need ed to dis tin guish be -
Myth) In fact, how e ver, there is tween var i a tions with in a spe cies
noth ing to do with ev o lu tion here. and the for ma tion of a whole new
Variation with in spe cies oc curs with spe cies, and present these as two
the emer gence of in di vid u als with dis tinct con cepts.
new and dif fer ent phys i cal char ac - By us ing the con cept of mi cro-ev -
ter is tics as a re sult of dif fer ent com - o lu tion, ev o lu tion ists seek to give
bi na tions of ex ist ing genes, through the de cep tive im pres sion that var i a -
cross-breed ing of in di vid u als. tions can even tu al ly, grad u al ly give
However, no new gene is ev er add - rise to brand new spe cies, fam i lies,
ed to the gene pool here. All that and or ders. Indeed, many peo ple
hap pens is that genes com bine in with not much knowl edge of the
off spring in new com bi na tions. sub ject be come tak en in by the su -
Since the num ber and va ri e ty of per fi cial idea that when mi cro-ev o -
genes in a giv en spe cies is fixed, lu tion oc curs over a long pe ri od of
there is a lim it to the num ber of com - time, the re sult is ma cro-ev o lu tion.
bi na tions that these can give rise to. One of ten en coun ters ex am ples
In ad di tion, var i a tion with in a spe - of this think ing. Some am a teur ev o -
cies nev er pro du ces any new spe - lu tion ists sug gest that since hu man
cies. For ex am ple, no mat ter how be ings' av er age height has in creased
many dogs of dif fer ent breeds mate by 2 cen ti me ters (0.78 of an inch)
to geth er in dif fer ent com bi na tions, over a cen tu ry, so all kinds of ma jor
the re sults will al ways be dogs, nev - ev o lu tion a ry chan ges may take
er hors es or fer rets. This fixed bi o - place over mil lions of years.
log i cal law has been prov en through The fact is, though, that all var i a -
ex per i ment and ob ser va tion. tions such as a change in av er age
Interestingly, Darwin con struct - height take place with in spe cif ic ge -
ed the back bone of his the o ry on var - net ic lim its, and these bi o log i cal var -
i a tions he im ag ined to be mi cro-ev o - i a tions en tire ly un re lat ed to ev o lu -
lu tion. But the ad van ces in bi ol o gy tion.
that grad u al ly un der mined Darwin's
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar