Page 43 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 43
Mayr, Ernst 41
was pro duced in line with the re -
quire ments of ma te ri al ist phi los o -
phy, and was then made in to a sa -
cred ta boo that sought to im pose it -
self de spite the sci en tif ic facts. As is
ap par ent from ev o lu tion ist writ ings,
the clear ob jec tive be hind all these
en deav ors is to de ny the fact that liv -
ing things were brought in to be ing
Ernst Mayr
by a Creator.
Evolutionists re fer to this aim as
be ing "sci en tif i cal ly ob jec tive." Yet Darwinism. Therefore, Ernst Mayr
they are re fer ring not to sci ence, but and the oth er founders of the the o ry
to ma te ri al ist phi los o phy. (Theodosius Dobzhansky and Julian
Materialism re jects the non-ma te ri al, Huxley) be gan be ing re ferred to as
or su per nat u ral. Science, on the oth - neo-Darwinists.
er hand, is not obliged to ac cept any Ernst Mayr was one of the most
such a dog ma. Science has a du ty to sig nif i cant ad her ents of the the o ry of
study na ture, per form ex per i ments, ev o lu tion in the 20th cen tu ry. He
and du pli cate re sults. If the re sults based his the o ry on mu ta tion, and
re veal the fact that na ture was cre at - yet at the same time ad mit ted the
ed, then sci ence must ac cept that im pos si bil i ty of this:
fact. A true sci en tist must not de fend The oc cur rence of ge net ic mon stro si -
un ten a ble sce nar i os by re strict ing ties by mu ta tion . . . is well sub stan ti -
him self to 19th cen tu ry dog mas. at ed, but they are such ev i dent freaks
that these mon sters can be des ig nat ed
on ly as ‘hope less.' They are so ut ter ly
MAYR, ERNST un bal anced that they would not have
the slight est chance of es cap ing elim i -
Ernst Mayr, a well-known ev o lu -
na tion through sta bil iz ing se lec tion . .
tion ist bi ol o gist, is al so the founder
. the more dras ti cal ly a mu ta tion af -
of the Modern Synthetic Theory of fects the phe no type, the more like ly it is
ev o lu tion, which—pro posed by to re duce fit ness. To be lieve that such a
add ing con cept of mu ta tion to dras tic mu ta tion would pro duce a vi a -
Darwin's nat u ral-se lec tion the sis— ble new type, ca pa ble of oc cu py ing a
was giv en the name of neo- new adapt ive zone, is equiv a lent to be -
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar