Page 39 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 39
Marx, Karl 37
Marx ad mired Darwin's book not for pro duc tion and pro duc tion it self.
eco nom ic rea sons but for the more fun - The econ o my de ter mined ev ery -
da men tal one that Darwin's uni verse thing else. This ide ol o gy de scribed
was pure ly ma te ri al is tic, and the ex pli - re li gion as a fairy tale in vent ed for
ca tion of it no longer in volved any ref -
co er cive eco nom ic pur pos es. In the
er ence to un ob serv a ble, non ma te ri al
eyes of this su per sti tious con cep tion,
caus es out side or ‘be yond' it. In that
re li gion was de vel oped by the rul ing
im por tant re spect, Darwin and Marx
class es to pac i fy those they ruled,
were tru ly com rades. 32
and was "the opi um of the mas ses."
The bond be tween Marxism and
In ad di tion, Marx thought that
Darwinism is an ev i dent fact on
so ci e ties fol lowed a proc ess of de vel -
which ev ery one agrees. This link is
op ment. A slave-based so ci e ty de -
set out in bi og ra phies of Marx, and is
vel oped in to a feu dal so ci e ty, and a
de scribed in a bi og ra phy of Marx
feu dal so ci e ty turned in to a cap i tal ist
brought out by a pub lish ing house
one. Finally, thanks to a rev o lu tion, a
spe cial iz ing in books with Marxist
so cial ist so ci e ty would be con struct -
ed, where up on the most ad vanced
Darwinism fea tured a se ries of facts so cial stage in his to ry would be at -
that sup port ed, proved the re al i ty of
and de vel oped Marxist phi los o phy.
Marx's views were ev o lu tion ist
The spread of Darwinist, ev o lu tion ist
even be fore the pub li ca tion of
ideas cre at ed a suit a ble ground work for
Darwin's The Origin of Species.
Marxist thought to be un der stood by
However, Marx and Engels ex pe ri -
the work ing class in so ci e ty as a whole.
enced dif fi cul ties in ac count ing for
. . Marx, Engels and Lenin at tached
how liv ing things came in to be ing.
great val ue to Darwin's ideas and in -
di cat ed the sci en tif ic im por tance of That was be cause in the ab sence of a
these, thus ac cel er at ing the spread of the sis ac count ing for liv ing things on
those ideas. 33 the ba sis of non-cre a tion, it was im -
On the oth er hand, Marx based pos si ble to main tain that re li gion
his tor i cal progress on eco nom ics. In was an in vent ed false hood and to
his view, so ci e ty went through var i - base all of his to ry on mat ter. For that
ous his tor i cal phas es, and the fac tor rea son, Marx im me di ate ly adopt ed
de ter min ing them was chan ges in Darwin's the o ry.
the re la tion ship be tween means of Today, all forms of ma te ri al ist
think ing—and Marx's ideas in par -
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar