Page 38 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 38

36  Marx, Karl

                  Under the "op pres sion of the
               poor"  pro gram  im ple ment ed  in
               Britain in the 19th cen tu ry, the
               strong crushed the weak in the
               strug gle for sur viv al, and the rap id -
               ly ris ing pop u la tion would thus be
               kept in bal ance. The strug gle for sur -
               viv al that Malthus re gard ed as the o -
               ret i cal ly nec es sa ry led to mil lions of
               poor peo ple in Britain liv ing wretch -
               ed lives.

               MARX, KARL
                                                    Karl Marx, the founder of com mu nism
                  Karl Marx, the founder of
               Communism, de scribed Charles
                                                     Evolution, of course, was just what the
               Darwin's book The Origin of Species,
                                                     founders of com mu nism need ed to ex -
               which set forth the ba sis of the the o -
                                                     plain how man kind could have come
               ry of ev o lu tion, as "a book which
                                                     in to be ing with out the in ter ven tion of
               con tains the ba sis of nat u ral his to ry
                                                     any  su per nat u ral  force,  and  con se -
               for our views."  29
                                                     quent ly it could be used to bol ster the
                  Marx  dem on strat ed  his  re gard
                                                     foun da tions of their ma te ri al is tic phi -
               for Darwin by ded i cat ing his own   los o phy. In ad di tion, Darwin's in ter -
               most im por tant work, Das Kapital,   pre ta tion of ev o lu tion—that ev o lu tion
               to him. His own hand writ ing in the  had come about through the op er a tion
               German edi tion of the book read,     of nat u ral se lec tion—gave them an al -
               "Mr. Charles Darwin / On the part of  ter na tive hy poth e sis to the pre vail ing
               his sin cere ad mir er / Karl Marx."   30  te le o log i cal ex pla na tion of the ob served
                  The    American     researcher     fact that all forms of life are adapt ed to
                                                     their con di tions.  31
               Conway Zirckle ex plains why Marx
               and Engels, the founders of           The so cial sci en tist Tom Bethell,
               Communism,  so  read i ly  ac cept ed  who works at the Hoover Institute in
               the idea of ev o lu tion aft er Darwin  America, ex plains the fun da men tal
               pub lished The Origin of Species:   rea sons for the link be tween the two
                                                   the o ries:

                                                               The Evolution Impasse II
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