Page 36 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 36

34  Macro-Mutation Myth, The

               any of the in ter me di ate forms that  dam ag ing ef fects of mu ta tion:
               they claim must once have ex ist ed   Being bom bard ed by mu ta tion-caus ing
               led them to come up with new the -    ra di a tion, would be like shoot ing a new
               ses. One of these is the the o ry of  car with a 30-cal i ber ri fle . . .
               punc tu at ed  ev o lu tion,  which  hy -  Similarly, it would be high ly un like ly
               poth e siz es that the mu ta tions nec es -  that mu ta tions would do any thing oth -
               sa ry to form a new spe cies took     er than dam age you or an an i mal.
                                                     Mutations caused by DNA cop y ing er -
               place, or that some in di vid u als were
                                                     rors would have a sim i lar re sult . . .
               ex posed to in tense, con sec u tive mu -
                                                     Mutations are harm ful by a ra tio of at
               ta tions.
                                                     least 10,000 to one. Radiation and cop -
                  One law re vealed by Fisher, one
                                                     y ing er rors do not pro duce new fea -
               of the cen tu ry's best known ge net i -
                                                     tures that are ben e fi cial. , 26
               cists, on the ba sis of ex per i ment and
                                                     Clearly,  mu ta tions  es tab lish  no
               ob ser va tion clear ly in val i dates that
                                                     ev o lu tion a ry progress, and this
               hy poth e sis. In his book, The Genetical
                                                     fact rep re sents a ma jor di lem ma
               Theory of Natural Selection, Fisher
                                                     for both neo-Darwinism and for
               states that "the like li hood that a par -
                                                     the the o ry of punc tu at ed ev o lu -
               tic u lar mu ta tion will be come fixed in
                                                     tion. Since mu ta tion is a de struc -
               a pop u la tion is in verse ly pro por tion -
                                                     tive mech a nism, the ma cro-mu ta -
               al to its ef fect on the phe no type." In
                                                     tions that are the pro po nents of
               oth er words, the great er the ef fect of  punc tu at ed ev o lu tion must have
               a mu ta tion, the less chance it has of  a ma cro-de struc tive ef fect on liv -
               be com ing  per ma nent  in  a  pop u la -  ing in di vid u als.
               tion.                                 The ge net i cist Lane Lester and
                  In ad di tion, mu ta tions cause ran -  the pop u la tion ge net i cist Raymond
               dom chan ges in liv ing things' ge net -  Bohlin de scribe the mu ta tion im -
               ic da ta, and do not im prove it. On the  passe as fol lows:
               con tra ry,  in di vid u als  ex posed  to
                                                     The over all fac tor that has come up
               mu ta tions  typ i cal ly  suf fer  se ri ous
                                                     again and again is that mu ta tion re -
               dis eas es and de form i ties. Therefore,  mains the ul ti mate source of all ge net -
               the more an in di vid u al is af fect ed by  ic var i a tion in any ev o lu tion a ry mod el.
               a mu ta tion, the less that in di vid u al's  Being un sat is fied with the prospects of
               chan ces of sur viv al.               ac cu mu lat ing small point mu ta tions,
                  Professor Walter L. Starkey of     many are turn ing to ma crom u ta tions
               Ohio University writes about these    to ex plain the or i gin of ev o lu tion a ry

                                                               The Evolution Impasse II
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