Page 35 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 35

Macro-Evolution Myth, The  33

           MACRO-EVOLUTION MYTH,                 The sec ond dis tor tion is the claim
           THE                                 that  ma cro-ev o lu tion—in  oth er
                                               words, de vel op ment of one spe cies
              Evolutionists re fer to the va ri e ty
                                               in to an oth er—comes about as the ac -
           or var i a tion with in spe cies as "mi -
                                               cu mu la tion of mi cro-ev o lu tions over
           cro-ev o lu tion" and to the hy poth e sis
                                               a long time. Yet when one re al iz es
           of the for ma tion of new spe cies as
                                               that there is no such thing as mi cro-
           "ma cro-ev o lu tion."   Evolutionists
                                               ev o lu tion,  the  sup posed  ba sis  for
           seek to give the im pres sion that mi -
                                               ma cro-ev o lu tion  dis ap pears.  If  no
           cro-ev o lu tion is a sci en tif ic fact that
                                               such proc ess as mi cro-ev o lu tion ev er
           which ev ery one agrees on, and that
                                               takes  place,  ma cro-ev o lu tion  must
           ma cro-ev o lu tion is a re sult of mi cro-
                                               log i cal ly be elim i nat ed too.
           ev o lu tion spread out over a longer
                                                 Many  ev o lu tion ist  bi ol o gists
           time frame. Above all, the point that
                                               have ad mit ted that such var i ous hy -
           needs to be em pha sized is that there
                                               poth e ses based on these fic ti tious
           is no such proc ess as mi cro-ev o lu -
                                               con cepts pro vide no ex pla na tion of
                                               the or i gin of spe cies. The well-
              As we've al ready seen, ev o lu tion -
                                               known  ev o lu tion ist  pa le on tol o gist
           ists try to cre ate the im pres sion that
                                               Roger Lewin de scribed his con clu -
           var i a tion with in spe cies is an ev o lu -
                                               sions at a four-day sym po si um at -
           tion a ry proc ess by giv ing it the name
                                               tend ed by 150 ev o lu tion ists held at
           of "mi cro-ev o lu tion." In fact, how e -
                                               the  Chicago   Natural   History
           ver, that this is an at tempt to val i -
                                               Museum in 1980:
           date the con cept of ev o lu tion by us -
           ing  an  ex pres sion  con tain ing  the  The cen tral ques tion of the Chicago
                                                 con fer ence  was  wheth er  the  mech a -
           word. Variation con sists of the emer -
                                                 nisms un der ly ing mi cro ev o lu tion can
           gence of var i ous dom i nant ge net ic
                                                 be ex tra po lat ed to ex plain the phe nom -
           com bi na tions  as  a  re sult  of  ge o -
                                                 e na of ma cro ev o lu tion . . . the an swer
           graph ic iso la tion of in di vid u als in a
                                                 can be giv en as a clear, No.  24
           giv en spe cies. But even with ex treme
           var i a tion,  no  new  in for ma tion  is
           add ed to that spe cies' gene pool.
                                               MACRO-MUTATION MYTH,
           Therefore, no such proc ess as ev o lu -
           tion has tak en place. (See The Micro-
           ev o lu tion Myth.)                   Evolutionists'  in a bil i ty  to  find

           Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar
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