Page 31 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 31
Lucy Deceit (Australopithecus afa ren sis), The 29
LINNAEUS, CAROLUS for flight, and there fore, this ide al
struc ture must have been cre at ed
In 1735, the Swedish nat u ral his -
sep a rate ly for ev ery spe cies of bird.
to ri an Carolus Linnaeus pub lished
This view is clear ly pred i cat ed on
his Systema Naturae ("System of
the as sump tion that Allah cre ates
Nature"), in which he clas si fied all
every living thing. (See
liv ing spe cies. He be lieved that
spe cies did not change, that
In fact, mod ern sci en -
the spe cies he had clas si fied
tif ic find ings show that
pos sessed char ac ter is tics
with re gard to sim i lar or -
that they would pre serve
gans, the claim of a
down through fu ture gen er -
com mon an ces tor is
a tions. Linnaeus was a
not val id, and that the
path find er in bot a ny
on ly pos si ble ex pla na -
and zo ol o gy, and the
tion is one of com mon
clas si fi ca tions he
cre a tion. (See The
made for plants and
"Common Ancestor" Lie.)
an i mals are still used by Carolus Linnaeus
bi ol o gists to day and con -
sti tute the ba sis of their no men cla -
ture. 22
Linnaeus first raised the mat ter of
sim i lar or gans in an i mals, re gard ing
them as an ex am ple of com mon cre - "Lucy" is a fos sil that Donald
a tion. In his view, sim i lar or gans re - Johanson dis cov ered in 1973. Its sci -
sem bled one an oth er not be cause en tif ic name, Australopithecus afa ren -
they had evolved by chance from sis, de rives from the Afar re gion of
some com mon fore run ner, but be - Ethiopia, where it was dis cov ered.
cause they had been con scious ly de - For years, Lucy was por trayed as the
signed to ful fill a spe cif ic pur pose. miss ing link in the hu man ev o lu tion
Different liv ing things hav ing sim i - se quence. However, it no longer en -
lar or gans stems from their be ing the joys that ear li er es teem in ev o lu tion -
works of a sin gle Creator. Why all ist sour ces, thanks to the lat est sci en -
birds have wings, for in stance, is be - tif ic find ings.
cause wings have the ide al struc ture The fact Australopithecus can no
longer be re gard ed as the an ces tor of
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar