Page 28 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 28

26  Left-Handed Amino Acids (Levo-Amino Acids)

                    L- Left hand ed ami no ac id        D- Right-hand ed ami no ac id

               The ques tion of how pro teins dis tin guish left-hand ed ami no ac ids, and how no right-
               hand ed ami no ac ids ev er be come mixed up in them, are ones that ev o lu tion ists can -
               not an swer. They can nev er ac count for such unique and ra tion al se lect iv i ty.

                  Amino ac ids from ei ther group    Assume for a mo ment that life
               can eas i ly bind to geth er with one an -  did come in to ex is tence by chance,
               oth er. However, re search has re -  as ev o lu tion ists main tain. If so, there
               vealed a most as ton ish ing fact: The  should be equal amounts of right-
               pro teins in all liv ing things, from the  and left-hand ed ami no ac ids in na -
               sim plest to the most com plex, are  ture, both be ing the re sults of
               made up sole ly of left-hand ed ami no  chance. Therefore, there should be
               ac ids. Even if just one right-hand ed  var y ing lev els of right- and left-
               ami no ac id is add ed to a pro tein's  hand ed ami no ac ids in the bod ies of
               struc ture, that pro tein will be come  all liv ing things, be cause chem i cal ly
               func tion less.                     ami no ac ids from ei ther group can
                  In  some  ex per i ments,  bac te ria  eas i ly com bine with one an oth er.
               have been giv en right-hand ed ami no  The fact re mains, how e ver, that
               ac ids, but the bac te ria have im me di -  the pro teins in liv ing or gan isms con -
               ate ly bro ken down these ami no ac -  sist sole ly of left-hand ed ami no ac -
               ids—and in some cas es, have re con -  ids.
               struct ed from these frag ments left-  How do pro teins se lect on ly left-
               hand ed ami no ac ids that they can  hand ed ami no ac ids? And why do
               use.                                no right-hand ed ones ev er creep in?

                                                               The Evolution Impasse II
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