Page 23 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 23
Lamarck, Jean B. 21
can ic lay er in which they were an te lope-like crea tures; their necks
found, es ti mat ed as be ing 3.6 mil lion had grown longer and longer over
years old. They were as cribed to A. the gen er a tions as they sought to
afa ren sis from the idea that hu man reach leaves from tall trees. Darwin
be ings could not have lived so far al so made use of Lamarck's the sis of
back in the past. the trans mis sion of ac quired char ac -
Independent ex am i na tions de - ter is tics as a fac tor that im pelled ev -
fined that 20 of the fos sil ized prints o lu tion.
be longed to a 10-year-old hu man be - This "trans mis sion of ac quired
ing, and 27 prints be long ing to a traits" mod el lost all va lid i ty with
young er hu man. These were def i - the dis cov ery of the laws of in her it -
nite ly nor mal hu man be ings, just ance. (See The Laws of Inheritance.)
like us. In oth er words, mod ern hu - With the dis cov ery of DNA in the
mans were liv ing at a time in which mid-20th cen tu ry, sci ence re al ized
ev o lu tion ists claim that our old est that liv ing things pos sess very spe -
an ces tors were alive. In oth er words, cial ge net ic in for ma tion en cod ed in
man's an ces tor is man! the cell's nu cle us, and that this in for -
ma tion can not be al tered by be hav -
ior or striv ing. (See DNA.) Therefore,
LAMARCK, JEAN B. even if a liv ing an i mal's neck did
Though the the o ry of ev o lu tion's elon gate by a few cen ti me ters (an
phil o soph i cal roots go back as far as inch or two) as a re sult of con stant ly
Ancient Greece, it en tered the agen - stretch ing up in to the trees, it would
da of the sci en tif ic world in the 19th still give birth to young with the
cen tu ry. In his book Zoological stand ard neck meas ure ments
Philosophy, the French bi ol o gist for its spe cies.
Jean B. Lamarck hy poth e sized The the o ry pro posed
that living species had by Lamarck was re fut ed
evolved from one an oth er. by the sci en tif ic find ings,
According to him, liv ing and went down in his to ry
things pass along the fea - as an in cor rect hy poth e -
tures they ac quire dur ing sis.
their lives, and evolve in
Jean B. Lamarck
this way. Giraffes, for ex -
am ple, had de scend ed from
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar