Page 24 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 24
22 Lamarckism
LAMARCKISM ter nal con di tions' caus ing var i a tion
but sub se quent ly these con di tions are
de scribed as di rect ing var i a tion and
co op er at ing with nat u ral se lec tion in
made use of
di rect ing it. . . Every year he at trib ut -
Lamarck's the sis
ed more and more to the agen cy of use
of the "trans mis sion
or dis use. . . By 1868, when he pub -
of ac quired traits" as a lished Varieties of Animals and Plants
fac tor giv ing rise to ev - un der Domestication, he gave a whole
o lu tion. (See Lamarck, se ries of ex am ples of sup posed
Jean B.) Lamarckian in her it ance: such as a man
Gordon Rattray los ing part of his lit tle fin ger and all
Taylor, a re search er and his sons be ing born with de formed lit -
pro po nent of ev o lu tion, tle fin gers and boys born with fore -
skins much re duced in length as a re -
de scribed Lamarckism in
sult of gen er a tions of cir cum ci sion. 15
his book The Great Evolution
Mystery, and ex plained why
Darwin was so heav i ly in flu -
Lamarckism is known as the in - —See Ontogeny Recapitulates
her it ance of ac quired char ac ter - Phylogeny
is tics . . . Darwin him self, as a
mat ter of fact, was in clined to
be lieve that such in her it ance LAWS OF INHERITANCE,
oc curred and cit ed the re port ed
case of a man who had lost his
In the pe ri od dur ing which
fin gers and bred sons with out fin -
gers . . . [Darwin] had not, he said, Darwin de vel oped the the o ry of ev -
gained a sin gle idea from Lamarck. o lu tion, the ques tion of how liv ing
This was dou bly iron i cal, for Darwin things trans mit ted their char ac ter is -
re peat ed ly toy ed with the idea of the in - tics to lat er gen er a tions was un -
her it ance of ac quired char ac ter is tics known. Therefore, prim i tive con jec -
and, if it is so dread ful, it is Darwin tures such as traits be ing trans mit ted
who should be den i grat ed rath er than by way of the blood were wide ly ac -
Lamarck. . . In the 1859 edi tion of his
cept ed. This un cer tain ty about the
work, Darwin re fers to ‘chan ges of ex -
mech a nisms of he red i ty led Darwin
The Evolution Impasse II