Page 21 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 21

Laetoli Human Footprints, The  19

           LAETOLI HUMAN                         The fa mous pa le o an thro pol o gist
           FOOTPRINTS, THE                     Tim White, who worked with Mary
                                               Leakey, said this on the sub ject:
              In 1978, Mary Leakey dis cov ered
           a num ber of foot prints in a lay er of  Make no mis take about it . . . They are
                                                 like mod ern hu man foot prints. If one
           vol can ic ash in Laetoli in Kenya.
                                                 were left in the sand of a California
           These prints were em ployed as an
                                                 beach to day, and a four-year-old were
           im por tant  part  of  the  ev o lu tion ist
                                                 asked what it was, he would in stant ly
           prop a gan da  re gard ing  the  well-
                                                 say that some body had walk ed there.
           known fos sil "Lucy" (See The Lucy
                                                 He wouldn't be able to tell it from a
           Deceit,). Evolutionists por trayed the
                                                 hun dred oth er prints on the beach, nor
           Laetoli foot prints as con crete proof          13
                                                 would you.
           that    Lucy—which
                                                              After  ex am in ing
           they re gard ed as the
                                                           the   prints,  Louis
           com mon  an ces tor  of
                                                           Robins          from
           man and ape—walk -
                                                           University        of
           ed on two legs. It was
                                                           California said:
           an nounced that the
                                                           The arch is raised—the
           prints were the same
                                                           small er in di vid u al had a
           age as Lucy, ap prox i -
                                                           high er arch than I do . . .
           mate ly 3.6 mil lions
                                                           The toes grip the ground
           years, and that they
                                                           like hu man toes. You do
           rep re sent ed ev i dence
                                                           not see this in oth er an i -
           of bi ped a lism.                                mal forms.  14
              The     footprints
                                                               In short, it was
           were in deed of the        A Laetoli foot print
                                                            im pos si ble  for  these
           same age as Lucy,
                                                            3.6-mil lion-year-old
           they had clear ly been left by a crea -
                                               prints to be long to Lucy. Lucy had
           ture that walk ed up right. Yet there
                                               curved hands and feet and used her
           was no ev i dence to show that the
                                               fore arms when walk ing. She could
           prints be longed to Australopithecus
                                               not have left be hind such prints,
           afa ren sis, a sup posed in ter me di ate-
                                               which can on ly be long to a hu man
           form clas si fi ca tion, like Lucy. They
                                               be ing. The on ly rea son why they
           had ev i dent ly been left by a true hu -
                                               were thought to have been left by
           man be ing.
                                               Australopithecus afa ren sis was the vol -
           Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar
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