Page 17 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 17
KNM-WT 15000 (The old est known hu man fos sil) 15
of 500 cu bic cen ti me ters, al though in KNM-ER 1472
larg er in di vid u als, this may rise to LIE, THE
700 and even 750 cc cen ti me ters.
KNM-ER 1472 is
Therefore, KNM-ER 1470's large
the iden ti fy ing "se ri al
brain size shows that it was a large
num ber" giv en to a
ape (es ti mat ed to be a male), rath er
thigh bone that is iden ti -
than a hom i nid. Indeed, the fact that
cal to one of mod ern
KNM-ER 1470 has large teeth and a
man. That this bone was
broad skull vol ume in di cates that its
found in the same stra tum
body was cor re spond ing ly large.
as Homo ha bi lis fos sils, but
From all this, it ap pears that
a few kil o me ters away
struc tur al ly, KNM-ER 1470 was an
from them, led to the false
ape re sem bling Australopithecus.
in ter pre ta tion that H. ha bi -
Many fea tures, such as its for ward-
lis was a two-leg ged crea -
look ing face, ab nor mal ly large mo -
ture. The fos sil OH 62, dis -
lars and brain vol ume too small to
cov ered in 1987, showed
be long to a hu man be ing, re veal this
that con tra ry to what had
clear ly. In ad di tion, KNM-ER 1470's
been thought H. ha bi lis did
teeth are iden ti cal to those of
not walk on two legs.
Australopithecus. 12
KNM-ER 1472 was thus
This in di cates that there is no sig -
in clud ed un der the clas si -
nif i cant dif fer ence be tween fos sils of
fi ca tion Homo erec tus. (See
the Homo ha bi lis class and those of
Homo erec tus.)
the Australopithecus class. These all
con sist of dif fer ent spe cies of ape
that were un a ble to walk on two feet KNM-WT 15000 (THE OLD -
and had small er brains com pared EST KNOWN HU MAN FOS -
with those of man. All ev o lu tion ists SIL)
do is to pick out cer tain fea tures of
KNM-WT 15000, otherwise
these and use them as an a tom i cal
known as the Turkana Boy skel e ton,
links in the myth of ev o lu tion from
is per haps the old est and most ful ly
ape to man.
pre served hu man re main found to
date. (See The Turkana Boy.)
Research in to the fos sil, said to be
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar