Page 15 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 15

KNM-ER 1470 Fraud, The  13

           tion ist in University College London  It was lat er sent to the Kenya
           said that "the fos sil rais es a lot of  National Museum – East Rudolf and
           ques tions."  7                     clas si fied as Homo ha bi lis. (See Homo
              As can be seen from these state -  ha bi lis.)
           ments and ad mis sions, the the o ry of  Homo  ha bi lis shares many fea -
           ev o lu tion is fac ing a ma jor di lem ma.  tures with the apes known as
           In par tic u lar, ev ery new dis cov ery in  Australopithecus. Like them, H. ha bi lis
           the field of pa le on tol o gy pre sents a  has a long-armed, short-leg ged and
           new con tra dic tion for the the o ry of  ape-like skel e tal struc ture. Its hands
           ev o lu tion to ex plain. Evolutionists  and feet are well suit ed to climb ing.
           who pro duce di a grams of the sup -  These  char ac ter is tics  show  that  H.
           posed ev o lu tion of man kind seek to  ha bi lis spent most of its time in the
           in cor po rate new dis cov er ies by set -  trees.
           ting the fos sils out among ex tinct  The vol ume of the ma jor i ty of
           spe cies of ape and to hu man ra ces.   skulls clas si fied as H. ha bi lis does not
              However, no fos sil fits in with  ex ceed 650 cu bic cen ti me ters. This
           their di a grams, sim ply be cause hu -  brain size is very close to that of pre-
           man be ings and apes did not evolve  sent-day go ril las. On the oth er hand,
           from any com mon an ces tor. Human  its jaw struc ture close ly re sem bles
           be ings have al ways been hu man be -  that of present-day apes, def i nite ly
           ings, and apes have al ways been    prov ing that it was an ape.
           apes. For that rea son, the the o ry of  In terms of gen er al skull fea tures,
           ev o lu tion fa ces an ev er great er di -  it  bears  a  clos er  re sem blance  to
           lem ma with ev ery new sci en tif ic dis -  Australopithecus af ri ca nus. Like A. af -
           cov ery.                            ri ca nus,  H.  ha bi lis has no eye brow
                                               pro tru sions. Previously, this fea ture
                                               led to its be ing mis in ter pret ed and
           KNM-ER 1470 FRAUD, THE              de pict ed as a hu man-like crea ture.

              In 1972, a fos sil was dis cov ered in  KNM-ER 1470's long, broad fore -
           East Rudolf that would lead to de -  head, its less ob vi ous eye brow pro -
           bates  in  pa le o an thro pol o gy.  This  tru sions, the lack of the struc ture in
           was a com plete skull, lack ing on ly  the go ril la skull known as the sag it -
           the low er jaw, but bro ken in to some  tal crest, and its 750 cu bic cen ti me ter
           300 parts, which were as sem bled by  brain vol ume show that it did not re -
           Richard Leakey and his wife, Meave.  sem ble hu man be ings. J. E. Cronin

           Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar
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