Page 13 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 13

Kanapoi Elbow Fossil Fraud, The  11

            KANAPOI ELBOW FOSSIL                  close to the means of the hu man sam -
            FRAUD, THE                            ple.  2
               The best ex am ple of how ev o lu -  Though ad mit ting the close re -
            tion ists in ter pret fos sils ac cord ing to  sem blance to the bone of a present-
                                               day hu man, Howells and Patterson
            their own pre con cep tions is a fos sil -
            ized el bow bone found in the      still main tained that the fos sil be -
            Kenyan re gion of Kanapoi. This fos -  longed to Australopithecus, be cause
            sil, dis played in the Kenya National  to them, it was un ac cept a ble that
            Museum – East Rudolf un der the    such an old fos sil could be long to
            num ber KP 271, con sists of a part of  Homo sa pi ens.
            the up per arm bone near the el bow.  But  sub se quent ly,  stud ies  per -
            Unearthed in 1965 by Bryon         formed by oth er re search ers us ing
            Patterson of Harvard University, it  com put ers again re vealed that the
            has been ex ceed ing ly well pre -  fos sil KP271 was iden ti cal to a hu -
            served. The lat est tests car ried out by  man bone. As the re sult of his com -
            ev o lu tion ists have shown it to be  put er-as sist ed  re search,  Henry  M.
            around 4.5 mil lion years old. The  McHenry of the University of
            fos sil is there fore known as the old -  California pub lished an ar ti cle in
            est  hom i nid  fos sil  dis cov ered  to  1975:
            date.                                 The re sults show that the Kanapoi
               In 1967, the re search ers Bryan   spec i men, which is 4 to 4.5 mil lion
            Patterson and W.W. Howells joined     years  old,  is  in dis tin guish a ble  from
            for ces to de scribe KP 271. They sug -  mod ern Homo sa pi ens…  3
            gest ed that the fos sil's anat o my was  After this, var i ous oth er re search -
            sim i lar to that of hu man be ings and  ers  (in clud ing  David  Pilbeam  and
            that it be longed to Australopithecus.  Brigitte Senut) have al so per formed
            Howells and his as sist ant Patterson  ex per i ments and com par a tive stud -
            an nounced  the  re port  re gard ing  ies prov ing that the bone is iden ti cal
            their re search in the 7 April, 1967  to H. sa pi ens. Yet de spite all the ev i -
            edi tion of Science mag a zine, in which  dence,  even  the  ev o lu tion ists  who
            they stat ed:                      car ried out all this re search were un -
               In  these  di ag nos tic  meas ure ments,  a ble to ad mit, on ac count of their
               Kanapoi Hominoid 1 [the orig i nal  own pre con cep tions, that this fos sil
               name giv en to the fos sil] is strik ing ly  could be long to H. sa pi ens.

           Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar
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