Page 16 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 16

14  KNM-ER 1470 Fraud, The

               de scribes why:                     ER 1470 was in ter pret ed as hu man
                  However its rel a tive ly ro bust ly con -  for a while lies in the bi ased and
                  struct ed  face,  flat tish  na so-al ve o lar  lead ing in ter pre ta tion of its dis cov -
                  cliv us  (re call ing  aus tra lop i the cine  er er, Richard Leakey. He sought to
                  dish ed fa ces), low max i mum cra ni al  give the im pres sion that al though
                  width (on the tem po rals), strong ca -  the fos sil had ape-like fea tures, the
                  nine ju ga and large mo lars (as in di cat -  skull was too large to be that of an
                  ed by re main ing roots) are all rel a tive -
                                                   ape. The aim was to de scribe the
                  ly prim i tive traits which al ly the spec -
                                                   crea ture as an in ter me di ate form.
                  i men with mem bers of the tax on A. af -
                                                     Professor Tim G. Bromage, a re -
                  ri ca nus . . . KNM-ER 1470, like oth er
                                                   search er in to the anat o my of the hu -
                  ear ly Homo spec i mens, shows many
                                                   man face, sum ma ri zes the facts he
                  mor pho log i cal char ac ter is tics in com -
                                                   re vealed with com put er-aid ed sim u -
                  mon  with  grac ile  aus tra lop i the ci nes
                                                   la tions in 1992:
                  that are not shared with lat er spec i -
                  mens of the ge nus Homo.  8        When it [KNM-ER 1470] was first re -
                                                     con struct ed, the face was fit ted to the
                  C. Loring Brace of the Museum of
                                                     cra ni um in an al most ver ti cal po si tion,
               Anthropology, Michigan University
                                                     much like the flat fa ces of mod ern hu -
               says this on the same sub ject:
                                                     mans. But re cent stud ies of an a tom i cal
                  . . . from the size of the pal ate and the
                                                     re la tion ships show that in life, the face
                  ex pan sion of the ar ea al lot ted to mo lar
                                                     must have jut ted out con sid er a bly, cre -
                  roots, it would ap pear that ER 1470 re -
                                                     at ing an ape-like as pect, rath er like the
                  tained a ful ly Australopithecus -sized                 11
                                                     fa ces of Australopithecus.
                  face and den ti tion.  9
                                                     KNM-ER 1470's 750-cu bic cen ti -
                  Another well known pa le on tol o -
                                                   me ter skull does not in any way
               gist, Bernard Wood, makes this com -
                                                   make it a hom i nid and pre vent it
                                                   from be ing an ape spe cies, be cause
                  There is no ev i dence that this cra ni um
                                                   there are apes with just such a skull
                  par tic u lar ly re sem bles H. sa pi ens or H.
                                                   vol ume. In re fer ring to ape skulls,
                  erec tus ac cord ing to ei ther phe net ic or
                                                   ev o lu tion ists  gen er al ly  point  to
                  cla dis tic ev i dence. Phenetically, KNM-
                                                   chim pan zees, with a small er-sized
                  ER 1470 is clos est to the re mains from
                                                   brain, but nev er men tion go ril las.
                  Olduvai [con sid ered apes by cre a tion -
                                                   Chimpanzees have an av er age brain
                  ists] re ferred to as H. ha bi lis.  10
                                                   vol ume  of  400  cu bic  cen ti me ters.
                  The rea son why the fos sil KNM-
                                                   Gorillas have an av er age brain size
                                                               The Evolution Impasse II
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