Page 18 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 18

Knuckle Walking

                                                    some 1.6 mil lion years old, has
                                                    shown that it be longed to an in di -
                                                    vid u al aged around 12, who would
                                                    have been some 1.80 me ters (5'11)
                                                    tall on reach ing adult hood. This
                                                    fos sil, which ex hib its close sim i lar -
                                                    i ties to the Neanderthal skel e tons,
                                                    is one of the most strik ing proofs to
                                                    un der mine the myth of hu man ev -
                                                    o lu tion. (See Neanderthal Man: A
                                                    Human Race.)

                                                    KNUCKLE WALKING
                                                       —See Bipedalism
                                                       KP 271 (Kanapoi Hominid or
                                                    Kanapoi Elbow Fossil) —  See
                                                    Kanapoi Elbow Bone Fossil Fraud,

          Turkana Boy skel e ton is the most com plete
             ex am ple of Homo Erectus up till now.
           It is in ter est ing that this 1.6 year-old skel e -
              ton and that of present day hu mans
                 has no dis tinct dif fer ence.
                                                               The Evolution Impasse II
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