Page 25 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 25

Le Chatelier's Principle  23

           to pred i cate his the o ry on a range of  for Darwin's the o ry, which he had
           com plete ly er ro ne ous as sump tions.  based on Lamarck's "ben e fi cial
              He point ed to nat u ral se lec tion as  traits."
           the ba sis of the ev o lu tion a ry mech a -  For that rea son, sci en tif ic ad her -
           nism.  Yet  if  ben e fi cial  at trib utes  ents of Darwinism in the first quar -
           were cho sen by means of nat u ral se -  ter of the 20th cen tu ry sought to de -
           lec tion (the sur viv al of the fit test"),  vel op a new mod el of ev o lu tion.
           how could they be trans mit ted from  Thus neo-Darwinism was born. (See
           one gen er a tion to an oth er? At this  The Neo-Darwinism Comedy.)
           point, Darwin em braced the the sis,
           which Lamarck had pro posed, of
           "the trans mis sion of ac quired char -  LE CHATELIER'S PRINCIPLE
           ac ter is tics."                      As ami no ac ids chem i cal ly com -
              However, Lamarck's the sis was   bine to form a pro tein, they build
           re fut ed when the laws of in her it ance  what is known as the pep tide bond. In
           dis cov ered by the Austrian bot a nist  build ing this bond, a wa ter mol e cule
           and al so a priest Gregor Mendel.   is re leased. This to tal ly in val i dates
           This meant that ben e fi cial traits  the ev o lu tion ist ac count of prim i tive
           could not be passed along. Genetic  life emerg ing in the sea. According
           laws  dem on strat ed  that  ac quired  to the law known as Le Chatelier's
           fea tures were not hand ed on, and  Principle, it is im pos si ble for a so-
           that in her it ance took place ac cord ing  called con den sa tion re ac tion—a re -
           to im mu ta ble rules—which by im -  ac tion that gives off wa ter—to take
           pli ca tion sup port ed the idea of the  place in an en vi ron ment that con -
           im mu ta bil i ty of spe cies.      tains  wa ter.  The  prob a bil i ty  of  a
              The  laws  of  in her it ance,  de ter -  chem i cal re ac tion tak ing place in a
           mined by Gregor Mendel aft er       wa tery en vi ron ment is de scribed as
           lengthy  ex per i ments  and  ob ser va -  the low est pos si ble.
           tions, were pub lished in 1865.       Therefore, the oceans—where ev -
           However, these laws at tract ed the  o lu tion ists say life be gan and where
           in ter est of the sci en tif ic world on ly  ami no ac ids had to form—are to tal ly
           to wards the end of the cen tu ry.  un suit ed to the for ma tion of pro -
           Scientists  ac cept ed  the  va lid i ty  of  teins. The chem ist Richard E.
           these laws in the ear ly 20th cen tu ry.  Dickerson ex plains why:
           This rep re sent ed a se ri ous im passe

           Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar
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