Page 27 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 27
Left-Handed Amino Acids (Levo-Amino Acids) 25
nev er changed his at ti tude in the Despite be ing an ev o lu tion ist,
face of the ev i dence against it. One Leakey goes on to state that the dif -
ex am ple of this was his state ments fer en ces be tween Homo erec tus and
re gard ing the Turkana Boy. In ev o - mod ern man are not all that sig nif i -
lu tion ists' im ag i nary fam i ly tree, cant:
they ad vanced the con cept of Homo One would al so see dif fer en ces: in the
erec tus, mean ing "up right-walk ing shape of the skull, in the de gree of pro -
hu man," in or der to sug gest a tran si - tru sion of the face, the ro bust ness of
tion from ape to man, though the the brows and so on. These dif fer en ces
skel e ton of Homo erec tus is iden ti cal are prob a bly no more pro nounced than
to that of any mod ern man. we see to day be tween the sep a rate ge o -
graph i cal ra ces of mod ern hu mans.
The best known fos sil in clud ed
Such bi o log i cal var i a tion aris es when
un der that clas si fi ca tion is the
pop u la tions are ge o graph i cal ly sep a -
Turkana Boy. Later it was de ter -
rat ed from each oth er for sig nif i cant
mined that, con tra ry to ev o lu tion ist
lengths of time. 18
claims, the fos sil be longed to a 12-
year-old boy, who would have
reached a height of some 1.83 me ters
when ful ly grown. In ad di tion,
short ly aft er the fos sil was dis cov -
ered, it was de ter mined that its up -
right skel e ton was iden ti cal to that of The ap pro pri ate ami no ac ids be -
mod ern hu man be ings. ing ar ranged in the cor rect se quence
In an ar ti cle ti tled "Modern and is not suf fi cient to form a pro tein
Tall," Leakey de scribed the in con - mol e cule in a liv ing or gan ism. In ad -
sist en cies be tween the Turkana Boy di tion, each one of the 20 va ri e ties of
fos sil and ev o lu tion a ry the o ries: ami no ac id in a pro tein's struc ture
must be left-hand ed.
. . . the boy from Turkana was sur pris -
In chem i cal terms, there are two
ing ly large com pared with mod ern
boys his age; . . . he would prob a bly go dif fer ent forms of any one ami no ac -
un no ticed in a crowd to day. This find id; right-hand ed and left-hand ed.
com bines with pre vi ous dis cov er ies of They dif fer in that their three-di men -
Homo erec tus to con tra dict a long-held sion al struc tures are mir ror im a ges
idea that hu mans have grown larg er of each an oth er, just like the right
over the mil len nia. 17 and left hands on hu man be ings.
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar