Page 32 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 32
30 Lucy Deceit (Australopithecus afa ren sis), The
Scientific find ings have shown that ev o lu -
tion ist hy poth e ses re gard ing "Lucy," the
best-known spec i men of the class
Australopithecus, are quite ground less.
In its February 1999 is sue, the fa mous
French mag a zine Science et Vie ad mit ted
this un der the head line "Adieu, Lucy" and
agreed that Australopithecus could not be
re gard ed as an an ces tor of man.
hu man be ings was the cov er sto ry
for the May 1999 edi tion of the well-
known French sci en tif ic jour nal
Science et Vie. Under the head ing
"Adieu Lucy [Goodbye to Lucy],"
the text de scribed why, based on a
new Australopithecus find ing known
as St W573, Australopithecus apes
The "Lucy" skull