Page 37 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 37
Malthus, Thomas Robert 35
nov el ties. Goldschmidt's hope ful mon - Malthus sug gest ed that food re sour -
sters have in deed re turned. However, ces in creased ar ith met i cal ly and the
though ma crom u ta tions of many va ri - hu man pop u la tion ge o met ri cal ly—
e ties pro duce dras tic chan ges, the vast for which rea son, he main tained, hu -
ma jor i ty will be in ca pa ble of sur viv al,
man be ings were nec es sa ri ly in a
let alone show the marks of in creas ing
fight for sur viv al. Darwin adapt ed
com plex i ty. If struc tur al gene mu ta -
this con cept of the strug gle for sur -
tions are in ad e quate be cause of their
viv al to na ture as a whole.
in a bil i ty to pro duce sig nif i cant enough
In the 19th cen tu ry, Malthus'
chan ges, then reg u la to ry and de vel op -
ideas were adopt ed by a fair ly wide
men tal mu ta tions ap pear even less use -
au di ence. Upper-class European in -
ful be cause of the great er like li hood of
no na dapt ive or even de struc tive con se - tel lec tu als in par tic u lar sup port ed
quen ces. . . But one thing seems cer - his ideas. An ar ti cle ti tled "The
tain: at present, the the sis that mu ta - Scientific Background to the Nazi
tions, wheth er great or small, are ca pa - Racial Improvement Program" de -
ble of pro duc ing lim it less bi o log i cal scribes the im por tance that 19th-cen -
change is more an ar ti cle of faith than tu ry Europe at tached to Malthus'
fact. 27 the o ries:
Experiment and ob ser va tion In the open ing half of the nine teenth
show that mu ta tions do not im prove cen tu ry, through out Europe, mem bers
on ge net ic da ta but rath er, dam age of the rul ing class es gath ered to dis -
liv ing things. So it is clear ly in con - cuss the new ly dis cov ered "Population
sist ent for the pro po nents of punc tu - prob lem" and to de vise ways of im ple -
at ed ev o lu tion to ex pect great suc - ment ing the Malthusian man date, to
in crease the mor tal i ty rate of the poor:
cess es from mu ta tions.
"Instead of rec om mend ing clean li ness
to the poor, we should en cour age con -
MALTHUS, THOMAS tra ry hab its. In our towns we should
make the streets nar row er, crowd more
peo ple in to the hous es, and court the
The the o ries of the British stat is ti - re turn of the plague. In the coun try we
cian Thomas Robert Malthus were should build our vil la ges near stag -
in flu en tial in shap ing Darwin's ideas nant pools, and par tic u lar ly en cour age
that in na ture, there is a dead ly set tle ments in all marshy and un -
strug gle for sur viv al and that ev ery whole some sit u a tions," and so forth
liv ing thing strives on ly for it self. and so on. 28
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar