Page 40 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 40
38 Materialism
tic u lar— have been to tal ly dis cred it - emerged with out cre a tion but by
ed, be cause in the face of sci en tif ic chance and then lat er as sumed or -
find ings, the the o ry of ev o lu tion on der. Yet when the hu man mind per -
which ma te ri al ism based it self has ceives or der, it im me di ate ly re al iz es
been com plete ly in val i dat ed. Science that there must have been an en ti ty
re futes the ma te ri al ist as sump tion that per formed the or der ing.
that de nies the ex is tence of any thing Materialist phi los o phy is a vi o la tion
apart from mat ter, and shows that of this most fun da men tal prin ci ple
all liv ing things are the work of a of hu man in tel li gence, and pro duced
sub lime cre a tion. the ev o lu tion the o ry in the 19th cen -
tu ry. (See The Evolution Theory.)
We may al so ques tion the truth of
MATERIALISM ma te ri al ism's claim of us ing sci en tif -
Materialist phi los o phy is one of ic meth ods. We can in ves ti gate
the old est ideas in his to ry, whose es - wheth er or not mat ter has ex ist ed for
sence is based on the ex is tence of ev er, wheth er mat ter is ca pa ble of
mat ter, and noth ing else. According or der ing it self in the ab sence of a
to this creed, mat ter has ex ist ed for Creator, and wheth er or not it can
ev er, and ev ery thing that ex ists is give rise to life. When we do so, we
com posed of phys i cal mat ter. This see that ma te ri al ism is ac tu al ly in a
def i ni tion of course makes be lief in a state of col lapse.
Creator im pos si ble. As a re quire - The idea that mat ter has al ways
ment of this log ic, ma te ri al ist phi los - ex ist ed col lapsed with the Big Bang
o phy has op posed all forms of be lief the o ry, which proved that the uni -
in Allah and the re vealed re li gions. verse had come in to be ing from
The sup posed "sci en tif ic" foun da - noth ing. (See The Big Bang Theory.)
tion of ma te ri al ist phi los o phy, which Therefore, the ev o lu tion the o ry—in
main tains that noth ing ex ists apart oth er words, the claim that mat ter
from mat ter, is the the o ry of ev o lu - or ga nized it self and gave rise to
tion. life—has al so col lapsed.
Since ma te ri al ism seeks to ex - However, ma te ri al ist sci en tists
plain na ture in terms of ma te ri al fac - refuse to aban don their po si tion,
tors alone and re jects cre a tion right even though they clear ly see that sci -
from the out set, it main tains that ev - ence has re fut ed the the o ry of ev o lu -
ery thing—liv ing or in an i mate— tion, since their de vo tion to this phi -
The Evolution Impasse II