Page 41 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 41
Materialism 39
los o phy is so im por tant to them. On . . it ex hib its in its raw pri me val forms
the con tra ry, they seek to keep ma te - nei ther in tel li gence nor "mind." Yet
ri al ism alive by sup port ing the the o - the liv ing cell is re al ly just a bag full of
ry of ev o lu tion in what ev er way pos - pro jects, of te le on o my, and of con cepts,
and, there fore, of mind. The ma te ri al ist
si ble.
is forced to seek the or i gins of this pro -
Arthur Ernest Wilder-Smith, a
gram ming and of these con cepts of life
pro fes sor of chem is try, sets out these
in "non mind," i.e., in mat ter and
facts in one of his books:
chance, be cause he be lieves that mat ter
. . . how e ver, [since] ma te ri al is tic phi -
and time rep re sent the to tal re al i ty of
los o phy does not per mit us to see con -
the uni verse. A con sid er a ble amount of
cepts such as "mind" or non ma te ri al
"men tal ac ro bat ics" is re quired to ob -
in tel li gence be hind the or i gin of ma te -
tain pro grams mag i cal ly, to con jure up
ri al life, it au to mat i cal ly be came nec es -
pro jects and con cepts out of "non -
sa ry to search for the source of lan -
mind," "non pro jects," and "non pro -
guage, code, mind, and in for ma tion in
grams," i.e., out of mat ter and chance.
bi o log i cal cells ex clu sive ly with in mat -
It is just these men tal ac ro bat ics which
ter and the laws of chance.
are car ried out sup port ma te ri al ism
However, it is just this task which has that we need to con sid er more close ly,
turned up so many ma jor dif fi cul ties . for they are the ba sis of much that is of -
The Big Bang, in which the uni verse be gan, is a phe nom e non that re futes the claims
of ma te ri al ists and ev o lu tion ists and which con firms cre a tion by show ing that the
uni verse had a fi nite be gin ning.