Page 45 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 45
Metamorphosis 43
vealed the in va lid i ty of the the sis
that birds evolved from rep tiles, and
sum ma rized the facts:
I have been in ves ti gat ing the anat o -
mies of the liv ing crea tures since 30
years. The on ly fact I met dur ing my
re search es is the flaw less cre a tion of Eggs
God. 40
Frogs are hatched in wa ter,
where they live for a while as tad -
poles. They then emerge on to land,
aft er grow ing limbs and los ing their
tails, in a proc ess known as met a -
mor pho sis. Some peo ple re gard
met a mor pho sis as ev i dence of ev o -
lu tion, but the fact is that met a mor -
pho sis has noth ing what so ev er to do
with ev o lu tion.
The on ly de vel op men tal mech a -
nism that the the o ry of ev o lu tion Young frog
pro pos es is mu ta tions.
Metamorphosis, how e ver, does not
take place through such chance
events, but these chan ges are al -
ready pro grammed in the frog's ge -
net ic da ta. In oth er words, when a
tad pole is first hatched, it is al ready
de ter mined that it will even tu al ly
un der go a proc ess of change and
come in to pos ses sion of a frog's
body suit ed to life on land.
Abult frog
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar