Page 49 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 49

Miller Experiment, The  47

                                               the bot tom of the jar and ob served
                                               that he had syn the sized three of the
                                               20  ami no  ac ids  con sti tut ing  the
                                               build ing blocks of pro teins.
                                                 The re sult of the ex per i ment
                                               caused great joy among ev o lu tion -
                                               ists and was an nounced as a great
                                               suc cess. Indeed, some pub li ca tions
                                               went so far as to pro duce head lines
                                               read ing "Miller Creates Life." Yet all
                                               that he had ac tu al ly syn the sized was
                                               a few in an i mate mol e cu les.
                                                 With the cour age they took from
                                               this ex per i ment, ev o lu tion ists im me -
                                               di ate ly  pro duced  new  sce nar i os.
                                               There  was  im me di ate  spec u la tion
                                               about the sta ges that must have tak -
                                               en place aft er the ami no ac ids' for -
           Stanley Miller's ex per i men tal set up.  ma tion. According to the sce nar io,
                                               these came to geth er in the ap pro pri -
           meth ane,  hy dro gen  and  wa ter  va -  ate or der as the re sult of chance, and
           por. Since un der nor mal con di tions,  gave rise to pro teins. Some of these
           these gas ses would not en ter in to re -  pro teins, the work of still more ran -
           ac tions with one an oth er, he add ed  dom  co in ci den ces,  in stalled  them -
           en er gy from the out side. The en er -  selves in side struc tures re sem bling
           gy—which he thought might have      cell mem branes—which al so came
           stemmed from light ning in the prim -  in to be ing in some way, and thus
           i tive  at mos phere—he  pro vid ed  by  gave rise to the cell. Cells grad u al ly
           means  of  an  ar ti fi cial  elec tri cal  lined up along side one an oth er and
           charge.                             gave rise to liv ing or gan isms.
              Miller heat ed this mix ture of gas -  The Miller ex per i ment—the ba sis
           ses at 100°C for a week, while al so  for this sce nar io, not one sin gle stage
           pro vid ing an elec tri cal cur rent. At  of which is backed up by any ev i -
           the end of the week, Miller meas -  dence at all—was noth ing more than
           ured the chem i cals in the mix ture at
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