Page 50 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 50

48  Miller Experiment, The

               a de cep tion, whose in va lid i ty in all  ami no ac id had formed in the ab -
               re gards was sub se quent ly prov en.  sence of any mech a nism, that mol e -
                  The  ex per i ment  per formed  by  cule would have been bro ken down
               Miller to prove that ami no ac ids  un der the con di tions at the time. As
               could give rise to liv ing or gan isms  the chem ist Richard Bliss has stat ed,
               un der the con di tions of the pri mor -  "Without this cold trap, the chem i cal
               di al Earth is in valid in sev er al re -  pro ducts would be de stroyed by the
               gards:                              [ex per i ment's] en er gy source (elec -
                  1. Miller used a mech a nism     tri cal spark ing)."   43
               known as the cold trap to iso late    In fact, Miller had fail ed to ob tain
               ami no ac ids at the mo ment they   even a sin gle ami no ac id in ear li er
               formed. Otherwise, the very con di -  ex per i ments in which he did not use
               tions in which the ami no ac ids    a cold trap.
               formed would have im me di ate ly de -
               stroyed them.
                  However, there was no such con -
               scious ar range ment in the pri mor di -
               al world at mos phere. Even if any

                                                                       Reaction cell

                                                                     Methane, am mo -
                                                                     nia wa ter and hy -
                 Water is add ed to                                    dro gen gas
                 the con dens er              Vacuum

                                                  Water boils

               The ar ti fi cial at mos phere cre at ed by Miller in his ex per i ment bore no re sem blance to
               that of the pri mor di al Earth. For that rea son, the ex per i ment was re gard ed as in valid
               by the sci en tif ic world.
                                                               The Evolution Impasse II
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