Page 53 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 53
"Mitochondrial Eve" Thesis's Inconsistencies, The 51
that sup pos ed ly ver i fies the mo lec u -
lar ev o lu tion sug gest ed as the first
stage of the ev o lu tion a ry proc ess.
Although half a cen tu ry has gone by
since, and great tech no log i cal ad -
van ces have been made, no new
progress has been made on the sub -
ject. The Miller ex per i ment is still
taught in school books as an ex pla na -
tion of the first emer gence of life.
Evolutionists, aware that such en -
deav ors will re fute their claims rath -
er than sup port ing them, care ful ly
avoid em bark ing on any oth er such
ex per i ments.
Stanley Miller with his ex per i men tal ap -
An American re search er, who at -
tempt ed to syn the size ami no ac ids— MISSING LINK IN THE
the fun da men tal build ing blocks of EVOLUTIONARY CHAIN, THE
life—in a lab o ra to ry en vi ron ment to -
—See Evolutionary Gaps
geth er with his su per vi sor, Harold
Urey, at Chicago University in 1953.
However, dur ing the ex per i ment, he "MITOCHONDRIAL EVE"
dis tort ed the prim i tive at mos phere THESIS'S
hy poth e sized by ev o lu tion ists. This INCONSISTENCIES, THE
ex per i ment, known as the Urey-
Popular sci en tif ic ter mi nol o gy is
Miller ex per i ment, proved, con tra ry
of ten used to ap ply an au thor i ta tive
to what had been hoped, that life
ve neer to ev o lu tion. Evolutionists
could not pos si bly come in to ex is -
make use of "DNA" in just this way.
tence spon ta ne ous ly. (See The Miller
In ad di tion to be ing present in
the nu cle us, DNA is al so found in
mi to chon dria, en er gy-pro duc tion
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar