Page 56 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 56

54  Modern Synthetic Theory of Evolution Myth, The

               clear that in all re spects, the study  is not the slight est in di ca tion, in ei -
               had been aimed to wards the de sired  ther the nu cle us of the mi to chon dria,
               re sult.                            to show the fre quen cy with which
                  The  mi to chon dri al  DNA  the sis  DNA was sub ject ed to mu ta tion.
               was de vel oped on the ba sis of mu ta -  In terms of its own log ic, this the -
               tions in DNA. But when the ev o lu -  sis ac tu al ly shows that once again,
               tion ists looked at hu man DNA, it  there has been an at tempt to use ev -
               was un clear how they de cid ed     o lu tion  as  ev i dence  for  ev o lu tion.
               which DNA rungs had formed as the   Seeking  ev i dence  for  ev o lu tion  in
               re sult of mu ta tion, and which were  DNA is bi ased re search, based on
               orig i nal and un changed. They had to  the as sump tion that ev o lu tion took
               start work from the orig i nal hu man  place in any case.
               DNA they claim must have ex ist ed.   Why  do  ev o lu tion ists  feel  the
               Yet the ev o lu tion ist de cep tion here is  need to pull the wool over peo ple's
               crys tal-clear: They as sumed chim -  eyes in this way? The an swer is
               pan zee DNA as their ba sis.  52    clear: Because there is no sci en tif ic
                  To put it an oth er way, in a study  ev i dence to sup port ev o lu tion.
               look ing for ev i dence that chim pan -
               zee DNA turned in to hu man DNA,
               the chim pan zee is tak en as the start -  MODERN SYNTHETIC
               ing point as the orig i nal pre his tor ic  THEORY OF EVOLUTION
               hu man. Right from the out set, the  MYTH, THE
               study is car ried out on the as sump -  To the ques tion of "What is the
               tion that ev o lu tion took place, and  source of the ben e fi cial chan ges that
               the re sult ob tained is then de pict ed  cause liv ing things to de vel op?" sci -
               as proof of ev o lu tion. In these cir -  en tists meet ing at the American
               cum stan ces, the study is far from be -  Geological Association gave the an -
               ing sci en tif ic.                  swer, "Random mu ta tions." Darwin
                  In ad di tion, if an ev o lu tion ist re -  had giv en the same an swer by
               search er is to em ploy reg u lar, use ful  adopt ing the con cept of mu ta tion,
               mu ta tions that he claims oc curred in  based on Lamarck. But with add ing
               DNA  in  cal cu lat ing  the  mo lec u lar  the con cept of mu ta tion to Darwin's
               clock, then he must al so cal cu late the  nat u ral  se lec tion,  the  new  the o ry
               speed of these mu ta tions. Yet there

                                                               The Evolution Impasse II
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