Page 55 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 55

"Mitochondrial Eve" Thesis's Inconsistencies, The  53

           tion. In fact, the writers of the com -  (mi to chon dri al DNA) study as gar -
           put er pro gram to cal cu late that clock  bage in an ar ti cle ti tled "Statistical
           di rect ed their re search to wards the  Cloud over African Eden." In his ar -
           re sult they wished to achieve.     ti cle, Gee stat ed that when the cur -
              The as sump tions they worked on  rent 136 MtDNA se ries were con sid -
           were claims whose ex is tence could  ered, the num ber of fam i ly trees ex -
           not be prov en, of which no ex am ples  ceed ed 1 bil lion! In oth er words, in
           had ev er been ob tained by ex per i -  this study, these 1 bil lion chance
           ment  or  ob ser va tion.  Mutations,  fam i ly trees were ig nored, and on ly
           caused  by  de gen er a tion  of  DNA,  that one tree com pat i ble with the hy -
           have on ly been ob served to cause  poth e sis of ev o lu tion be tween chim -
           de form i ty and death in liv ing struc -  pan zees and hu man be ings was se -
           tures. Mutations can nev er im part  lect ed.
           progress by rais ing a liv ing thing to  Alan Templeton, the well-known
           a high er lev el. (See Mutation: An  Washington  University  bi ol o gist,
           Imaginary Mechanism.)               stat ed that it was im pos si ble to set
              The ev o lu tion ist re search ers de -  out any date for the or i gin of man
           vel oped  a  com put er  pro gram  that  based on DNA se ries, be cause DNA
           they hoped would cam ou flage their  was high ly mixed up, even in pre-
           prej u dices. They cre at ed their pro -  sent hu man so ci e ties.   50
           gram on the ba sis of ev o lu tion, fol -  Considered  in  math e mat i cal
           low ing the most di rect and ef fect ive  terms, it means that it is im pos si ble
           path. This, how e ver, is an im ag i nary  to de ter mine mtDNA as be long ing
           pic ture that con flicts with even the  to a sin gle hu man be ing in the fam i -
           ba sic as sump tions of the the o ry of  ly tree.
           ev o lu tion.                         The  most  sig nif i cant  ad mis sion
              Many sci en tists who sup port ed  came from the au thors of the the sis
           the the o ry of ev o lu tion agreed that  them selves. Mark Stoneking, from
           this the sis had no sci en tif ic val ue.  the team that re peat ed the study in
           Henry Gee, a mem ber of  Nature     1992, said in a let ter to Science mag a -
           mag a zine's  ed i to ri al  board,  de -  zine that the "African Eve" the sis
           scribed the re sults of the MtDNA   was  un ten a ble,  51  be cause it was

           Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar
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