Page 51 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 51
Miller Experiment, The 49
2. The pri mor di al at mos phere face was 10,000 times high er than ev -
that Miller at tempt ed to rep li cate in o lu tion ists' es ti mates. That in tense
his ex per i ment was not re al is tic. In lev el would in ev i ta bly have giv en
1982, sci en tists agreed that in stead of rise to ox y gen by break ing down at -
meth ane and am mo nia in the prim i - mos pher ic wa ter va por and car bon
tive at mos phere, there must have di ox ide.
been ni tro gen and car bon di ox ide. This com plete ly dis cred it ed the
Indeed, aft er a long si lence, Miller Miller ex per i ment, which was car -
him self ad mit ted that the prim i tive ried out with out con sid er ing ox y -
at mos phere mod el he'd used was gen. Had ox y gen been used in the
not re al is tic. 44 ex per i ment, then the meth ane
The American sci en tists J.P. would have trans formed in to car bon
Ferris and C.T. Chen re peat ed di ox ide and wa ter, and the am mo nia
Miller's ex per i ment, us ing a mix ture in to ni tro gen and wa ter. On the oth -
of car bon di ox ide, hy dro gen, ni tro - er hand, in an at mos phere with no
gen and wa ter va por, but fail ed to ox y gen—since no ozone lay er had
ob tain even a sin gle ami no ac id mol - yet formed—the ami no ac ids would
e cule. 45 have been di rect ly ex posed to ul tra -
3. Another im por tant point in val - vi o let rays and been im me di ate ly
i dates the Miller ex per i ment: At the bro ken down. At the end of the day,
time when the ami no ac ids were the pres ence or ab sence of ox y gen in
sug gest ed to have formed, there was the pri mor di al at mos phere would
so much ox y gen in the at mos phere still make for an en vi ron ment dead -
that it would have de stroyed any ly for ami no ac ids.
ami no ac ids present. This im por tant 4. At the end of the Miller ex per i -
fact that Miller ig nored was de ter - ment, a large quan ti ty of or gan ic ac -
mined by means of ura ni um and ox - ids al so formed whose char ac ter is -
i dized iron de pos its in rocks es ti mat - tics were dam ag ing to the struc tures
ed to be around 3 bil lion years old. 46 and func tions of liv ing things. In the
Other find ings lat er emerged to event that ami no ac ids are not iso lat -
show that the lev el of ox y gen in that ed but are left to geth er in the same
pe ri od was far high er than that en vi ron ment as these chem i cal sub -
claimed by ev o lu tion ists. And re - stan ces, they will in ev i ta bly re act
search showed that the lev el of ul tra - with them and form new com -
vi o let rays reach ing the Earth's sur - pounds.
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar