Page 46 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 46
44 Micro-Evolution Myth, The
Antenna Leg
The ev o lu tion ist bi o logs looked for an ex am ple of a use ful mu ta tion since the be gin -
ning of the cen tu ry. Yet on ly crip pled, dis eased and faulty flies were ex ist ing at the
end of their ef forts. In the pic ture, a nor mal fruit fly's head and a mu tat ed one that
has its legs com ing out of its head are seen.
Recent re search has shown that an an i mal crip pled or dead, so there
met a mor pho sis is a very com plex can be no ques tion of a ran dom
proc ess con trolled by dif fer ent change. Metamorphosis must be
genes. In this proc ess, for ex am ple, com plet ed in a flaw less man ner.
dur ing the dis ap pear ance of the tail It is im pos si ble to main tain that
alone, "more than a doz en genes in - such a com plex proc ess, one that al -
crease their ac tiv i ty," ac cord ing to lows no mar gin of er ror, emerged
the jour nal Science News. 41 through ran dom mu ta tions, as the
Evolutionist claims of a "tran si - ev o lu tion the o ry claims.
tion from wa ter to land run along
the lines that fish with the ge net ic
da ta for to tal life in wa ter evolved by MICRO-EVOLUTION MYTH,
chance in to ter res tri al am phib i ans as THE
a re sult of ran dom mu ta tions. For Evolutionists seek to ac count for
that rea son, met a mor pho sis rep re - dif fer en ti a tion with in spe cies—in
sents ev i dence that ac tu al ly un der - oth er words, the emer gence of var i a -
mines ev o lu tion, rath er than sup - tions—by means of an im ag i nary
port ing it. The slight est er ror in the mech a nism they re fer to as mi cro-
proc ess of met a mor pho sis will leave
The Evolution Impasse II